The ABCs of Economics (Real Estate)
Leonard Nimoy Slater
( Owner) EYS Language Consulting & The Lucky Mushroom UG (haftungsbeschr?nkt)
This newsletter is an elaboration/excerpt (E-words) from the forthcoming book from yours truly called
The ABCs of Economics (Reality Explained)
No matter where you are on this planet if it is considered ?developed“, for lack of a better term, a man with a need took a seed and planted it into the ground to create your brick-and-mortar reality. Reality is defined in the developed world by mostly by referring to two sectors; residential and commercial real estate. Watchdogs guard this reality and I am one of them. Communication is part of the reality I have been tasked with protecting. I am not the best communicator perhaps that is why I have been tasked with making sure children, no matter where they are, understand the fundamentals of the language of commerce in English. The ABCs of Economics is for them and their parents. The kids in my courses call me Icy Bro, I am writing the the ABCs of Economics as the rapper Icy Bro.
I like exploring the so-called needs of man starting with the biggest ?houses“. These houses are called churches and cathedrals and were deemed needed by the societies that built them or had them built. Houses built in most developed countries fall into two sectors/ categories (commercial and residential real estate). They fall outside of the houses I mentioned previously. Unlike the great houses of Europe (the churches and cathedrals) the other houses found in those two sectors can be bought and sold quite easily. They are easy to find well-regulated markets in the so-called developed world. Like crypto and currency other c-words, church/cathedral find their value on Earth but not on the earth and are considered priceless. You might have to read that twice.
Most experts will say this is an oversimplification and I would counter with just one reference:
A higher power decides their ultimate value and they are not beholden to the same metrics of value assessment as the houses of the residential and commercial sectors. Some so-called experts will disagree simply because they can quote a monetary value but you will always find their rationale lacking and the objects are never on the market.
I am not an expert. I am a rapper who happens to coach Business English (as a second language). I wrote the ABCs of Economics from the artist's perspective. It is not the style that one is accustomed to hearing at Business School or other forums. However, it is the truest assessment of economic reality in existence today. It’s the vocabulary that one should focus on. The guiding principle is truth! Veritas is the North Star of the ABCs. Feel free to offer your opinions. Discuss them with friends.
In English, there is a saying that I use in all of my courses. ?In English, context is king!“? No cherry-picking is allowed with The ABCs of Economics, context must/ is always considered. Every word that I use is chosen consciously. Non-native speakers will not always like the choice of words, but in my defense, I did not choose them; they are considered standards. The ABCs of Economics were developed to facilitate communication in the global economic community in English. Some rappers have more to offer than a new dance. I am one of those guys.
I am Icy Bro and I am proud to announce my soon-to-be-published book "The ABCs of Economics" (Reality Explained).