The ABCs of Communication in a Holistic Approach

Recalibrating corporate communication in the digital age requires a multimodal approach, focused on the strategic use of available technologies and on understanding their impact on employee productivity and well-being. Let's focus on how we can minimize digital noise and maximize the clarity and efficiency of communication.

A. Addressing the challenges of excessive digital communication

i. Email overload: Inbox clutter is a reality of corporate life, but a rethinking is needed of how and how often we use email. Excessive use leads to losing focus on tasks requiring sustained attention and increasing stress levels.

ii. Instant messaging anxiety: Messaging platforms are designed for quick communication, but when the lines between urgent and important blur, the result is often emotional overload.

iii. Disruptions from unplanned phone calls: Even a single unexpected phone call can disrupt an entire workflow. Setting clear boundaries for calls can help maintain focus and productivity.

iv. Inefficiency of excessive meetings: Meetings without a clear purpose or with excessive participation can consume valuable time, reducing the time available for focused, in-depth work.

B) The benefits of optimizing digital communication

1. Email used intentionally for essential messages: Promoting a corporate culture that values concise, clear, and well-structured emails can significantly reduce time spent managing inboxes. Using explicit titles, logical outlines, and standardized templates helps clarify messages and accelerate the communication process. In addition, AI-assisted tools can be used to structure and synthesize ideas, ensuring essential information is communicated efficiently. These AI technologies can analyze and summarize content, enabling employees to more easily and quickly handle high email volumes, making communication more productive and less time-consuming.

2. Responsible use of voicemail: Reserving instant messaging for quick updates and notifications can effectively reduce the pressure of immediate responses and decrease the volume of messages employees must handle.

Responsible use of voicemail means respecting the time and preferences of other participants in the communication. By requesting consent before sending voice messages, we can ensure the information arrives in a convenient way for the recipient. If the recipient prefers not to receive audio messages, the possibility of the sender using a service that converts voice to text can be a useful alternative. This allows the recipient to read the message at their chosen time, without the pressure of listening to a voicemail, thus respecting their time and preferred mode of communication.

3. Efficient time management in using instant messaging. How can employees and managers use instant messaging to communicate in a way that respects everyone's time and focus? This involves establishing communication practices such as:

a) Scheduled messages: Setting a dedicated time during the day to respond to messages, avoiding constant interruptions.

b) Short, to-the-point messages: Encouraging sending concise messages that require short or no responses.

c) Mutual agreement for discussions: Requesting and receiving consent for initiating longer conversations, ensuring the availability of both parties. The initiator's intention to benefit from a structured 20-30-line dialog interaction will allow the other to allocate the necessary attention when there is real-time availability and mental energy.

4. Strategies for efficient phone calls in the corporate environment

a) Planning in advance: Phone calls should be scheduled ahead of time, just like a meeting. Using digital calendars and calendar invitations can help clearly establish the time and purpose of the call.

b) Defined agenda: Before calling, it is useful to create an agenda to communicate to the called. This will ensure the discussion stays focused and all necessary points are covered within the allotted time.

c) Respecting time: Establishing a maximum duration for the call and ensuring all parties are aware of this limit can help maintain focus and respect everyone's daily schedule.

d) Urgencies handled separately: For true urgencies, it is important to establish a clear protocol to distinguish a justified ad-hoc call from one that could have been scheduled.

e) Feedback and improvement: After the call, the initiator will email or chat the conclusions of the discussion.

By implementing these practices, companies can transform phone calls from unpleasant disruptions into valuable, respectful, and productive interactions.

5. Implementing internal publications as strategic communication tools

a) Accessibility of material: Ensuring articles, reports, and other written materials are easily accessible to employees, such as through a company intranet or dedicated platforms, facilitates consulting them as needed.

b) Clarity and concision: Clear, concise writing can improve information retention and reduce the need for further clarification, making these publications an efficient communication medium.

c) Regularity of updates: Regularly publishing updated content keeps employees current without overburdening them with frequent meetings.

d) Interactivity: Incorporating interactive elements like FAQs or feedback sections can improve employee engagement and provide a two-way communication channel.

e) Impact analysis: Monitoring how employees interact with the materials and using data to continuously improve internal communication.

Through these publications, companies can create a non-invasive communication stream that respects employees' time and personal space while providing the information they need to be efficient.

C. Conclusion

To successfully navigate the landscape of digital communications, companies must emphasize the quality of digital interactions, and prioritize and respect employees' time and workspace. By critically evaluating how technology is used and recalibrating communication practices, organizations can create an optimized work environment where technology serves as a tool to enhance productivity, not as a source of stress and distraction of attention.





