ABC02 : Source the right horses!
Dharmender Kapoor
CEO Mindsprint; Advisor to businesses in their Digital, Change and Leap frogging initiatives
The ABC Theory of Hiring
In continuation from my earlier post "ABC01: Horses for Courses!" See here
Hiring is like dating, always put your best foot [or horse ;-)] forward.
When I started applying this theory of understanding people many years back, the questions came to my mind as to how do we not hire Cs at the first place. During my process of experimentation, I devised my own methods to avoid Cs being hired.
I am still not sure if hiring A is tough or identifying and rejecting C. One of my boss and mentor told me once that rejecting a candidate is an easy decision because both you and candidate move on. However selection and acceptance comes with accountability as you will have to work together for quite some time. However, over years I learnt that both acceptance and rejection is tough. How not to hire a wrong person is as important as how to hire a right person.
Couple of methods that I defined for myself were quite successful for me and I would like to share the same here for everyone to take benefits. These are simple methods, a lot based on the "Blink" concept explained by Malcome Gladwell That's right, a lot is based on judgment than complex evaluation process.
ATTITUDE I always tell my team to go and hire only and only positive attitude persons. Skill is secondary. Skill can be taught but not attitude. A negative attitude person can pull back the whole team. They are acid for a team that will create stink.
Now this is where we have to be careful. Every extraordinary person (‘A’ category horse) will have an attitude but that attitude is positive and makes the person confident. We must be able to differentiate such attitude from negative and hollow attitude.
I check this twice for every key person being hired. Once my team has short selects, I reassure that person has right mindset to fit in the team environment. And I ensure that I personally hire my direct reports and key positions. Once short selected, I always begin by appreciating candidates for their skills and potential, but I always ask candidate not to join if he/she cannot work as team and has undesirable attitude. I tell the person upfront that he/she will find it difficult to survive in the team with unacceptable attitude. The result is, a negative person will either not join or leave the negative attitude at the door while joining (hopefully).
POTENTIAL and not just the skill. It is obvious that skill increases the potential but someone with just skills but no scalability can be good only for a short time and for a specific job. Moving up will be a challenge for such person. Do not hire for today but for minimum 5 years, and ensure that person has the potential to keep itself relevant in changing times and situations.
Confidence Most of the time it is not necessary that you need to dig people deep on skills. Ask questions to check the confidence and more often than not you will know the skill level as well. When candidates have fear they will transmit that fear to you; so is with confidence. I often used this technique where I tell candidates that they will be put in a project or task straight after joining, without training and with no runway. Candidates with good confidence (and skill) will readily agree or will ask very direct questions to know more about the challenge. Candidates with low confidence will fumble.
Well, one does not have to follow the examples or method that I use. Everyone has enough examples, stories and anecdotes that they can use and must use.
I have often seen people making a big mistake on hiring people for skills and not attitude. It is attitude that makes people A, B or C and not skill. When I wrote my first blog a lot of people asked me this question as to why I was completely rejecting Cs. Yes, I would reject people with C attitude, I would give growth to As and Bs and not Cs. Until C can change to make itself A or B. C Needs feedback that it is his or her attitude that puts it in untouchable category and not the potential or skill. I will discuss this in a later blog and would like to put emphasis on first thing first. That is, how not to hire Cs. After all we all were taught- Prevention is better than cure.
I was able to use rules of thumb and my own observations more effectively than hard data, to achieve what I wanted. However the challenge begins when your teams starts growing and you have to depend upon others to hire. It becomes practically very difficult to train people on hiring skills. However I believe a simpler ABC theory of hiring can be of help here. To explain this, lets understand the properties of A, B and C to see how they hire and get hired.
A category persons are self confident, can dare to take actions and responsibilities, are able to think on their feet and can think of changing their roles frequently as they cannot be locked and nailed down to one task. However, it is not that they are not possessive about the work that they do or about tracks that they are leaving behind. They are often very possessive but they also know that to nurture what they have left behind must be pursued with same vigor and passion.
B category persons will develop a taste for action slowly. And when they do, they would like it through the end. They can sometime get attached to the tasks and not the outcome. They will work hard, as that defines their day, and would like to protect their turf as that becomes their comfort zone. Try taking B out of a project, and you will see a lot of reaction. They will prevent such actions and will try steer clear from any such decisions.
Mentioning C category properties is not important here. And I will explain, why.
The objective of hiring is not only to add more heads and hands to your workforce but to continue to improve the collective competitiveness of the organization. It is sad to see how many organizations count the people and not measure the competitive index. Pick any project, program or initiative, you will find that programs and actions are often completed by very few individuals in the team, and a lot of the other members are just in the marriage party.
Hiring is a superior function and not a task to be completed in hurry. In the diagram, I have shown who should hire and who hires whom. Following three rules should be applied:
Rule A
Rule A suggests one very critical aspects of hiring. That is, always ask your A category people to hire. A category person will always hire A category person. Go through the properties and behavior of A-person and you will know why I say so. They are passionately possessive about the work they do and how they do the same. They would almost never want to leave it in the hands of B &C.
A does hire B sometimes but only when it is necessary for a type of role. But then they would like to choose someone who is an A within B category of people. The essence is that best chooses best in almost all conditions.
The bold line connecting the two category indicates that it is natural or most preferred style of hiring. A would almost always choose A, however can also choose B at few times when situation warrants it.
Rule B
As per Rule B, when you put a person of B category to hire, they would mostly hire a C category person. While A category person is passionately possessive about the project, B category is possessive to his or her position and task, and not always the outcome. Hence Bs would be very protective of their turf and would not want to get threatened. They do not want to leave their comfort zone and would often protect it by not hiring those who cannot challenge their position. Hiring Cs gives them much needed comfort.
B can also hire B but only sometimes. It is not his/her natural hiring style. It is necessary when B is being put in place to hire, a rigorous review method is applied to assure that good quality people are hired in the organization. A wrong person hired can put you behind on your competitiveness and performance which may take a long time to recover. Please remember, hiring a wrong person is easier but getting rid is tougher as there are not many companies who will choose them.
Rule C
Don't ask Cs to hire for you. Never. If you have put C in hiring then please go back and check your own category. Period.
I use these rules to hire and have seen good results. No leader is effective without a competent team and hence there is no way one should take hiring as a trivial function. After all...
One person with passion is much better than forty people merely interested!
Here to help you hire quality professionals for difficult-to-fill roles, leadership positions, crucial roles, function heads, and mid-level managers for high-growth businesses. An XLRI Alumnus
5 年Mr Kapoor The article though published many years back, holds just as true today. Hire for attitude and train for skill is very true, and like you rightly said , sometimes does not percolate down the organisation chart to other hiring managers. Also, this is probably more true of non tech managerial roles ? Having said so, hiring managers need to be trained to assess attitude (and desire) during an interview, which most hiring managers and HR folks miss, resulting in bad hires we see everywhere. Skill is easy to assess, attitude extremely difficult .
Associate Director specializing in Project/Program Management and Service Management
8 年Very insightful article.
Recruitment Specialist
9 年Sumit - Excellent one. A question always keep hitting me. Recruitment bosses working for couple of decade still make this BLUNDER, It does not effect them, they are paid a plum salary with other facilities, but screws up the person being hired. Recent article doing the rounds - 30000 people in the process of getting sacked from HP. Imagine, the time taken by recruiters / and all the jargons we talk ( cost per hire / quality per hire / hire at right time) ALL GONE to DRAIN. The greatest joke of all is that HP will be saving billion of dollars from sacking people. I would strongly agree to SACK, CEO of HP and things will fall in place. This has become a common routine now - Sacking people to save their .... ! and show revenue GROWTH
Recruitment Specialist
9 年Sumit - Excellent one. A question always keep hitting me. Recruitment bosses working for couple of decade still make this BLUNDER, than a mistake. It does not effect them, they are paid a plum salary with other facilities, but literally screws up the person being hired. Recent article doing the rounds - 30000 people in the process of getting sacked from HP. Imagine, the time taken by recruiters / and all the jargons we talk ( cost per hire / quality per hire / hire at right time) ALL GONE to DRAIN. The greatest joke of all is that HP will be saving billion of dollars from sacking people. I would strongly agree to SACK, CEO of HP and things will fall in place. This has become a common routine now - Sacking people to save their .... ! and show revenue GROWTH
Recruitment Specialist
9 年Sumit - Excellent one. A question always keep hitting me. Recruitment bosses working for couple of decade still make this BLUNDER, than a mistake. It does not effect them, they are paid a plum salary with other facilities, but literally screws up the person being hired. Recent article doing the rounds - 30000 people in the process of getting sacked from HP. Imagine, the time taken by recruiters / and all the jargons we talk ( cost per hire / quality per hire / hire at right time) ALL GONE to DRAIN. The greatest joke of all is that HP will be saving billion of dollars from sacking people. I would strongly agree to SACK, CEO of HP and things will fall in place. This has become a common routine now - Sacking people to save their Butt ! and show revenue GROWTH