ABC and RTTL create history in Timor-Leste

ABC and RTTL create history in Timor-Leste

A moment I will never forget - sharing a stage with Nobel Peace Prize winner and Timor-Leste Presidents Jose Ramos Horta to officially launch?RTTL (Radio e Televis?o de Timor-Leste?or Radio and Television of East Timor) World News on the broadcaster’s 21st birthday.?

But this is so not about me.

RTTL World - this epic endeavour - goes live for the first time tonight.

I cannot explain it any better than in the speech I gave at the launch – in front of the President and live on national television – in Tetun and English.?

Truly terrifying.

Here is the English (Tetun version at bottom of article).

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"It is an honour to stand before you tonight on this historic occasion not only for RTTL – but for the nation of Timor-Leste.

Traditionally, in my culture, turning 21 signals a new era of maturity and self-determination and so it is appropriate that this anniversary signals the launch of RTTL World – and a new era for Timor-Leste’s National Broadcaster.

RTTL World is a landmark achievement, not only for RTTL but for Timor’s place in the world. The people of Timor-Leste will, for the first time, have the chance to see their stories told by their people, through their media, in English –a language which is used across the globe in business, the internet and the working?of ASEAN.

They will also have the chance to amplify their stories to the world; to new and important places, in a language that is used across the world so that the culture, the people, the challenges and the successes of this young nation can be understood far and wide.

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Many people said that creating an English language news service?was unrealistic. In the short time we have had, they said it was impossible.

But they underestimated the strength of the Timorese people, the ABC-RTTL partnership and the determination of our devoted people to take on this mission, and our desire to serve the public interest as public broadcasters.

You will meet the RTTL team soon, but I wish to also acknowledge the vision and passion of the ABC team who have poured their hearts and their vast experience into this project.

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Here in Dili, the strong, smart and kind Mana Philippa MacDonald. The experienced and generous Michael Coggan, and a man whose heart has been in Timor-Leste ever since its most challenging days, Mark Bowling. These are among ABC’s finest and we are deeply proud of their contribution.

Mana Fiona Churchman has led this project with wisdom and determination. Our thanks and respect. And to Mana Jo Elsom, who is here, Mana Claire Gorman, Maun Mark Tapley and the ABC leadership team – along with the Australian Embassy and the Australian Government - thank you for your vision and investment in this project.

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Public broadcasting serves people, culture and democracy in a powerful and special way. Tonight shows the power of two great public broadcasters united in partnership.

Congratulations RTTL World."

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And I just want to acknowledge the generosity of Jo Elsom who could rightfully have claimed the spotlight at the launch but instead deferred to me. Humble thanks.

And to everyone who took these photos and videos because I have lost track of who took what.

I’ll talk about the historic partnership we signed at Balibo another time.

Cos this is a proud day.

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Tetun version:

Premieru, deskulpe sei ha’u uza liufuan la di’ak. Ha’u no ha’u nia familiar hela iha nee iha tinan kotuk maibe ha’u labele uza Tetum loron loron agora.

Excelensia Prezidente Ramos Horta, Dignitários, colegas da ABC no RTTL – no kolega sira hotu.

Hau contente hamriik iha ne’e ohin loron no iha okaziaun histórika ida ne'e, Laos de’it ba RTTL, maibé ba nasaun Timor-Leste tomak.

Iha tradisaun kultura hau nian, tama tinan rua-nulu resin ida signifika era foun ba maturidade no autodeterminasaun, entaun apropriadu liu katak aniversáriu ida ne'e hatudu lansamentu ba RTTL World News - no era foun ba Radiodifuzór Nasional Timor-Leste.

Povu Timor-Leste say, ba primeiru vez, hetan oportunidade atu haree sira nia estórias ne'ebé konta husi sira nia ema, liu husi sira nia mídia, iha lian Ingles - lian ne'ebé uza iha mundu tomak iha negósiu, internet no iha ASEAN nia serbisu.

Sira mos sei hetan oportunidade atu fo sai sira nia estórias ba mundu; ba fatin-fatin foun no importante, iha lian ne'ebé uza iha mundu nune'e kultura, povu, desafius no suksesu nasaun foun ida ne'e bele kompriende iha mundu tomak.

Ema barak dehan katak kria servisu iha lian Ingles la realistiku. Iha tempu badak ne'e, sira dehan la posível.

Maibé sira minimiza forsa povu Timor-Leste nian, kolaborasaun ABC-RTTL no determinasaun ema sira atu asumi misaun ne'e, no ami nia vontade atu servi interesu públiku hanesan radiodifuzór públiku.

Ita sei hasai ekipa RTTL besik, maibé hau husu atu hakarak agradese vizzaun no paixaun ekipa ABC nian ne'ebé kontribusaun iha projetu ne'e.

Iha Dili, iha mana forte, matanek no fuan boot Philippa MacDonald. Jornalista Michael Coggan ho espeeriensia ne'ebé barak no mane ne'ebé nian maka iha Timor-Leste husi loron difísil ida bo'ot liu, Mark Bowling. Ne'e entre ABC nia matenek no ami orgullu bo'ot ho sira nia kontribuisaun.

Mana Fiona Churchman lidera projetu ida ne'e ho sabedoria no determinasaun. Ami nia agradese no respeitu. No ba Mana Jo Elsom, ne'ebé iha ne'e, Mana Claire Gorman, Maun Mark Tapley no ekipa lideransa ABC nian - ho Embaixada Austrália no Governu Austrália – agradese ba vizzaun no investimentu.

Radiodifuzór públiku serbisu ba povu, kultura no demokrasia ho maneira poderóza no espesiál. Ohin loron ne'e hatudu forsa husi radiodifuzór públiku rua ne'ebé boot hamutuk iha kolaborasaun.

Parabéns ba RTTL World.

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Aaron Kearney@wyp Says

Aaron Kearney OAM

Director - Engagement and Programs - ABC International Development

1 年

Thanks brother. Look forward to further collaboration with you

Boris Novak, BE(ELEC) GAICD

Industry Adviser at HunterNet Co-operative Ltd

1 年

Great report, Aaron! You and Kip and no. 2 really immersed yourselves in the nation and the people last year and I have no doubt that you had a lot to do in the orchestration of this achievement. Well done, mate, making life count for sure.

Linda Bracken GAICD

Non Executive Director - Digital Strategy and Talent consultant.

1 年

This is really something Aaron … congratulations to all and everyone involved. I loved the times when I was able to have East Timorese content makers and leaders come and work with us at triple j.

