An ABC Employee Engagement Failure
David Zinger
Extending Invitations to Experience and Engage with Who and What Matters to You
Employee Engagement requires equal attention to the fundamental ABC's of work:
- Achieve Results
- Build Relationships
- Cultivate Wellbeing
Although each of the ABC's are equally important this quotation from Edgar H. Schein in Humble Inquiry states how our culture often makes relationships less important than results because we focus more on telling than asking.
We are biased towards telling instead of asking because we live in a pragmatic, problem-solving culture in which knowing things and telling others what we know is valued. We also live in a structured society in which building relationships is not as important as task accomplishment...(page 10)
If you want full engagement ensure that relationship building is one of your three key tasks.
David Zinger is an employee engagement consultant and speaker who believes in employee engagement for the benefit of all.
Amen to that David !