James Vicary, one of the market researchers allegedly tested his technique by altering movies so that messages urging viewers to "Eat Popcorn" and to "Drink Coke" were displayed at regular intervals throughout the film for such brief durations that they could not be consciously perceived. Vicary claimed that his subliminal messages resulted in a significant increase in sales of popcorn and coke.
Although the use of subliminal messages is generally considered a foolish and invalid practice, the more general phenomenon of subliminal/unconscious perception deserves to be reevaluated in light of current debates surrounding the nature of consciousness.
As a sales person, your close should be subliminal or unconscious. I say this because if the perception is you are here to make a sale, you get the old standby, “I’m just looking”. To tiptoe below the threshold for conscious awareness you need to be constantly closing. Your pitch should influence a client's thoughts, feelings, or actions. That means everything you say and do should ideally be done with only one goal in mind -- taking you one step closer to closing the deal.
It should be the only thing that matters, but know one realizes that but you! If you don't close, you fail and all your efforts are for nothing, but only you should come to that conclusion. Listen carefully to every question they ask, because lack of information is the number one reason for the “NO”. After you know thier NEED, ask the right questions to let them sell you on your solution. Give them every logical and emotional reason to buy, by making buying easy (get you payment options lined up).
Answer their objections (the reasons that stop them from buying). Once these objectives have been accomplished, they are left with 1) no reasons not to buy and 2) all the reasons to buy. This differs greatly from brutally trying to shove something down someone's throat (high pressure sales). It is an art. Good salespeople do not sell. They help others to buy (an important distinction).
I loved that scene from Glengarry Glen Ross. A.B.C. (Always Be Closing)