by Larry Tyler
Columnist & Featured Contributor, BIZCATALYST360.com
The next morning he made his way to the breakfast house. The trash bins there were like a buffet. He was deep into left-over pancakes and didn’t notice the police car parked at the entrance to the ally. The next thing he knew he was sitting in the back seat not knowing where he would go next or what would happen to him.
After a short ride, he found himself in a cell with only a dirty blanket and some water. He wondered where his mother, brothers, and sisters were. They all got separated during the storm. He was lonesome and missed his family. Finally, he put his head down and went to sleep. His dreams were filled with images of his family, meals and playing with his sister. He dreamed about green grass and swimming in the pond near the park.
The days were noisy and there were many lost souls in the other cells. Some were crying, some were angry and defiant. Then one day this beautiful lady with a big white poodle walked in opened the cell, hugged him and whispered to him that she would take care of him. She had tears in her eyes and the poodle sneezed when he sniffed him. He really needed a bath and a haircut.
The lady took him to a wonderful place way out in the country. She had lots of children, lots of food and soft beds. She gave him a bath and cut off his long matted hair. She placed a mirror in front of him and told him how cute and handsome he was. He still missed his family and home but he wasn’t hungry and he was off the streets. He had a warm place to sleep and lots of friends to play with.
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