by Larry Tyler
Columnist & Featured Contributor, BIZCATALYST360.com
It was a cold and rainy night. A nor’easter was coming up the east coast bringing rain, sleet and maybe snow. The back alleyway was dark and trash littered the pavement by the back doors and dumpsters.
He had been on the run for at least three weeks now. He was wet, hungry and scared. There were a few crumbs here and there but not enough to satisfy the ever present hunger he felt. A door opened and a man with a broom kicked him and chased him down the street. He tasted the blood in his mouth and he hurt all over. The sleet was coming down hard; the freezing wind was blowing down the alleyway. Trash cans were blowing over and the lids were in flight like metal Frisbees. The man slammed the door and went back inside leaving him alone with his pain. He ran as fast as his short legs would take him. Fear fueled his body with adrenaline taking him far down the street.
Eventually, his energy ran out and he found a front porch to crawl under. It was still cold but it was dry and he watched as a lady put a pizza box in the trash can beside the porch. At least now he could eat and sleep.