Abandoned Abroad: My Cruise "Adventure"
A popular question I get asked: Have you worked on Cruise Ships? Yes. Do I like ‘em? Well it’s mixed. The audiences are great, and the food and drink are plenty but one drawback for me is traveling to a foreign country by myself to meet the ship, on a trip that I didn’t plan and have no control over. I have a GREAT cruise agent, but she works through the cruise line, who sets up the travel, so she can only tell me what they tell her. OH, and cell service back in those days of my cruise ship cruising wasn’t the best.??
Usually there’s no issue, but one memorable time,
I flew into I THINK Belize, but I’m not 100% sure. I was supposed to get a ride to a hotel for the night, and then catch the ship in the morning. I walked outside the airport to look for the person holding a sign with my name, but there was nothing. I had no idea what hotel it was, and I didn’t see a port nearby.??
I know sometimes our names are misspelled, (my buddy Frank King once saw a guy holding a sign for “Skank King” and deduced this was his ride), so I looked around for “Man McInnis” or “Hand McInnis,” or some variation, but I saw nothing. I waited. And waited. And waited. After about an hour, I called my agent in the U.S., but cell coverage being shaky, all I could say was “This is Jan. I don’t see my ride” before being cutoff. I waited a little longer, and finally a cab driver who’d been in the cab line watching came over to ask if he could help. He knew a little English, so I was able to explain that I was a comedian here to get on a cruise ship. I think “comedian” and “cruise ship” are universal words because he told me that he THINKS he knows where to take me.??
My dilemma – do I get in a cab that doesn’t look like it’ll
make it out of the parking lot with a strange guy, and no cell service, to go to heaven knows where? Well, my options were few, and he seemed kind, so why not. He then took me on a ride through dirt roads and small villages that were pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. These were the local roads; definitely not the tourist section. The cab was noisy too (no AC so the windows were down), and I didn’t see any gas stations, ya know, in case of a breakdown. I was a little nervous. I kept thinking “this is how people disappear.” No one knew where I was. I didn’t even know where I was.??
After an hour of this “tour,” we FINALLY, arrived. I looked out the window and saw a SPECTACULAR resort! Right on the coast -- just beautiful. He ran in first to talk with someone and then came out to say that this was the place AND that he would pick me up the next morning to take me to the ship. I was elated (and relieved). He was happy too as he had scored a cruise ship customer. It was a win-win.?
I had a fabulous night’s stay and a great experience including dinner on a floating restaurant in the ocean, so in retrospect, no complaints. It was just fantastic.??
Sometimes life’s adventures find YOU. So sit back and TRY to enjoy the bumpy ride . . . you may end up with a great view at the end of the road.?
Jan McInnis is a Keynote Speaker, Comedian, Comedy Writer, and Master of Ceremonies. She has written for Jay Leno’s Tonight Show monologue as well as many other people, places, and groups – radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, and even guests on the Jerry Springer show (her parents are proud). For 20+ years she’s traveled country as a keynote speaker and comedian sharing her unique and practical tips on what business leaders can learn from comedians (no, it’s not all about telling jokes). She can be reached at www.TheWorkLady.com, or [email protected]? She’s also a GREAT Master of Ceremonies. Click here for her emcee site?