Abaco Consulting | November Updates

Abaco Consulting | November Updates

Abaco Consulting was the main sponsor of the IV Congress of the SAP Users Group in Portugal

As part of its strategic business vision, Abaco Consulting was present at the IV edition of the Congress of the SAP Users Group in Portugal, as main sponsor of the event. This congress, which was held at the Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leix?es (Porto) on October 21st, had as main objective to be a space of excellence for networking, exchange of experiences, techniques and business between all participants. Abaco was present had the opportunity to share, in two sessions, the company's strategic vision about the opportunities and challenges that future professionals of the area will face during their career. Watch the video above and check out some pictures of the event here.

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Abaco hires to lead the new Human Experience Management consulting area

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For Jo?o Moreira, CEO of Abaco Consulting, "This hiring is in line with the strategic growth plan of Abaco for the coming years. Hugo Ferreira has differentiated himself since the beginning of his career by the excellent work developed in SAP Software and we are convinced that this is a good bet. On the other hand, regarding the creation of the new HXM area, over the last few years we have seen the convergence of the different applications of the area, within the SAP ecosystem, both in a cloud (SuccessFactors) and on-premise (HCM) perspective. Thus, we understand that from a market positioning perspective for our customers, and joint management of our team's skills, it makes sense a centralized and unique approach, within a single competence, called "HXM".

Abaco Consulting participates in the Universidade do Minho's Talent Bootcamp

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This bootcamp, in digital format, had as main objective to approach university students from several universities and companies, during different moments of the school year. This program allowed students, through pitchs to more than 150 companies, to discover the challenges and opportunities for their talent, learn how to look for a job or internship, build a CV and learn the best techniques to prepare for an interview and also discover which jobs companies are recruiting for. Abaco was represented in this event by Maria Jo?o Oliveira, Human Resources Director, and Sara Ruivo, Talent Acquisition Specialist, who had the opportunity to contact young talents with the ambition to start or change their career.

Abaco Consulting establishes protocol with University of Minho

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Abaco Consulting establishes a protocol with the University of Minho that aims to teach classes to students of the Degree in Engineering and Management Information Systems.The collaboration consists in the participation, as guest speakers, in the curricular unit Implementation of Enterprise Computing Applications (IAIE) of the 3rd year of the degree along with the regent of the subject, Professor Rui Dinis Sousa. In its program, the University of Minho includes SAP ERP in some management, engineering and information systems degrees, being the only one in Portugal to do so.

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Seguran?a Social: Comunica??o automática de Contratos de Trabalho

Foi solicitado pela Seguran?a Social a todas as entidades empregadoras, que devem atualizar e registar os dados de contratos para vínculos ativos já comunicados à Seguran?a Social, até 31 de Dezembro de 2022. Com base nessa necessidade, a SAP Portugal disponibilizou uma ferramenta que permite a sele??o dos dados relevantes para comunica??o. No entanto, a ferramenta apenas seleciona a informa??o, n?o tendo qualquer intera??o direta com a Seguran?a Social Direta. Assim, de forma a otimizar o processo de comunica??o, a Abaco desenvolveu internamente um “add-on”, que permite a gest?o do ciclo completo de comunica??o à Seguran?a Social. Saiba mais aqui.

Implementa??o do ATCUD

A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2023, todos os documentos fiscalmente relevantes devem conter o ATCUD (Código único do documento da AT). Passa a ser obrigatória a comunica??o das séries utilizadas na emiss?o de faturas e demais documentos fiscalmente relevantes à AT, que por usa vez irá retornar um código de valida??o que será integrado no código único de documento. A SAP já disponibilizou a solu??o que irá permitir a comunica??o das séries à AT bem como o armazenamento do código retornado pela AT. Saiba mais aqui.

Abertura do Período Logístico e Financeiro Anual

Com a entrada do novo ano existem algumas atividades a serem realizadas de prepara??o do sistema para o novo exercício. Assim recordamos que, mediante a realidade de cada solu??o, dever?o procedera várias atividades que poder?o consultar ao clicar aqui.

SAP Discovery Day

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No ambito da sua parceria estratégica com a SAP, a Abaco Consulting vai estar presente no SAP Discovery Day, no próximo dia 15 de novembro em Lisboa.

Enquanto patrocinador GOLD, a Abaco Consulting fará uma apresenta??o sobre o Case Study Simoldes, que tem como foco a implementa??o de SAP SucessFactors, onde será abordada a aplica??o dos módulos Core HR/Payroll e Talent Management, numa vertente multi-geografias.

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