How Do I Become An ABA Therapist?
Chiu Lau (she, her)
Clinical Psychology Registrar | Founder of Possibilities Psychological Services
"I am so glad I was able to gain clinical skills and experience through my work as an ABA Therapist. It meant that when I applied for internships after my Psych degree, I was ready to work with clients."
"Being an ABA Therapist not only assisted me in learning more about working with children with Autism but it helped me understand how to work with families too. Without these skills, I would not be as confident upon graduation from my OT degree."
"I feel more like a well rounded professional because not only do I have knowledge gained during my Speech Pathology degree, I am also equipped with skills in managing challenging behaviour and knowing how to motivate children to learn. "
"It feels great to know that when I graduate as a teacher, I will be well prepared for children with additional needs who may need me to teach them a different way. I used to be nervous about working with children with Autism. Now I don't."
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong, neurodevelopmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them. Autism is often diagnosed alongside other conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder. People with an ASD may also experience anxiety.
It's important to support people with more than one condition in a way that meets all their needs, while understanding that the needs arising from an ASD are distinct.
ABA therapy – or applied behaviour analysis – is one of a number of therapies available for children with autism. Programs are typically drawn up according to the child's needs and involve one-on-one therapy, designed to teach language, communication and interpersonal skills to help children integrate into school.
''You want every moment to be a teachable moment,'' said Marc Lanovaz, an autism expert at the University of Montreal.
''It seems like a lot for a young child, but if it's done right, it doesn't seem like work for the child. It seems like we're playing around, we're just having fun while encouraging a lot of learning.''
- A great income for a university student. 2. Demand for ABA professionals is expected to rise in schools, clinics, and government and social services agencies. 3. Opportunity to make an impact on individuals struggling to connect with their world. 4. ABA therapists do not always work a traditional workday schedule.5. Creativity, playfulness and flexibility are valued traits. Outside talents such as playing an instrument, or being an amazing painter can be incorporated into an ABA session. 6. You teach skills that these individuals may use for the rest of their lives. 7. You learn skills that can be applied across age groups and across challenged such as ADHD, intellectual disability, anxiety, challenging behaviour. The skills you learn do not only relate to working with a person with an ASD. 8. No two days are exactly the same. 9. Once you learn how to modify behavior, you are then equipped with the tools to modify anyone's behavior. Remember to use your powers for good, not evil! 10. Being more job ready when you graduate because of your clinical experience.
Most families and recruiters in Australia would prefer an applicant who has evidence of completing an Applied Behaviour Analysis training program.It means that they have (A) completed a comprehensive and formal training program and (B) have met the standards of a professional agency to be considered competent and (C) are able to produce a document from a reputable agency to certify completion of an online training program and face to face workshop attendance.
Many agencies offer this certification course. All you need to do is Google "ABA training course".
Possibilities is one of those agencies, however, because we are a boutique practice (fancy pants term for 'puny'), we only offer this course once a year, for a limited number of participants.
For more information, please click here.
There are many agencies that offer Comprehensive ABA Training to parents, however, at present we are developing one solely for parents who wish to participate in their child's program, with higher focus on certain aspects of the child's program.
Chiu Lau is Principal Psychologist at Possibilities Psychological Services, an award winning, multidisciplinary clinic for children, adolescents, adults and their families based in the heart of Sydney South.
She understands how difficult it can be, navigating various early intervention and mental health services, in order to determine the right one for your family. Book your complimentary 20 minutes chat with Chiu to explore options and possibilities here.