ABA Event Recap: Eradicating Modern Slavery in UK and Global Supply Chains

ABA Event Recap: Eradicating Modern Slavery in UK and Global Supply Chains

My first ever ABA Procurement event was one of hope, inspiring stories, and connection. A very important topic shared by all of us in the room. We agreed together to make changes, treat everyone with respect, empathy and kindness. This was a judgement free space to share thoughts and questions on how to tackle this issue.

Here's my recap:

Modern Slavery in Norfolk - Sarah-Jane Niles - https://www.norfolkantislavery.org/

They have room for members, so this is your chance to get involved. They are getting ahead of upcoming changes. Let’s join them, by being proactive with the information we have.?

So, what is it? Human Trafficking, Forced Labour, Debt bondage/bonded labour, Domestic servitude (like Sir Mo Farah), Criminal and Sexual exploitation, Organ removal, Fraud and others. ‘Forced’ is the key word. Consent is irrelevant. These are crimes, we’re on a mission to stop these, and help people live better lives. Legislation is coming. With a Victim, there is a Crime, and there needs to be a Prevention.?

Every organisation should have reasonable knowledge to know if a crime has happened.?

Smuggling: their choice to be illegally transferred. Trafficking: against their will.?

Reach out to the Norfolk Police for help, they have a gentle touch.?

Children are a significant number of cases.?

How do you prove slavery isn’t a part of your life? Truly terrifying.?

How do you know if someone is being controlled? Think about how you would control someone...

Control their documents, their movements, who they speak to. Effects: they lose track of their personal information - they struggle when you ask them, mental health - they have fear to talk to others, especially authority. They may even speak as if it’s been told to them - scripted.?

Have faith that your case has value and is worth reporting, as the more cases will add up to make a difference.?

Did you know the 101 and 999 teams sit in the same room? So, don’t worry if you’re not sure how urgent it is, what’s important is you report it, and make a difference.??

The Blue Bear Story - Bryn Frere-Smith

Loved the wholesome story of presents from his Mum, and how one was wrapped in a bag for life! Inspiring story of Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, he chose to do a speech of warning called The Perils of Indifference. Choose to acknowledge these issues and make a difference. Choose the inconvenience of awareness and change. Let’s make an impact on the World. Story of overcoming failure - least successful security company in Norfolk (a bit like Susan Walsh ’s clothes shop story!). Children are heavily impacted. Consider the importance and power of the individual. You can achieve so much.?

Parallels of ways of life, in Harrods with a 5 year old who has a chauffeur and nanny, vs, the little ones who experience unbelievable suffering - looking after her siblings and her blue teddy bear.?

Coffee - started off with the Teddy Bear Fund, and called it Blue Bear, so he used this story as inspiration. The storybook Brave - a story of friendship and freedom.

Coffee, Cocoa, Cobalt, Cotton…Brazil is the number one for coffee, and they had a poor season due to climate change, which is the biggest driver of slavery as people are forced to migrate to survive. Did you know Robusta coffee has twice as much caffeine? It creates more caffeine to protect itself against pests at lower altitude. Arabica is more particular...?

As a business, how can you empower ethical buying??

It’s a real challenge, but there are signs of progress! The progress is here.?

You cannot make a 100% slave free claim, unfortunately, that’s not possible, but you can put measures in place to make it a very low possibility. Balance - focus on hope, create measures in reality. Have practicalities in place. You will see the cost of coffee keep rising...

Something to note: Freeze for Freedom in February Fundraiser!?

Panel Discussion: Is the UK Modern Slavery Act Fit for Purpose?

Theresa May was very proud of the Modern Slavery Act, but is it fit for purpose? (Organisations now need to create an annual statement.) Truthfully? No, there are many issues around the National referral system. There is confusion and loss of community - of human connection. It’s lacking. There are significant changes needed. Right now, there is a significant reliance on the voluntary stature.

Follow Hope for Justice and Slave-Free Alliance

Embrace the learning, we are all on a journey of continuous improvement. Is this sustainable? Empathy around calling a human being a victim. Focus on taking them forward with support.?

The legislation is lacking where businesses are required to report it, there is very little guidance on how to respond. We rely on businesses that lead by example. Thinking outside the box. Tony's Chocolonely discovered children couldn’t get to school, so they bought them bikes!?

I loved the interactive element with the slido polls, it was very exciting to see it jump up and down! Joking aside, it’s not a surprise to see so many people not know what is actually in their organisation's Modern Slavery Statement.?

How do you captivate your supply chains??

Putting the value there, focusing your attention. Bridge the gap, so that people can feel more understanding. Your local trade associations are so important for support and collaboration. Come to an agreement. You can’t ask of your supply chain, that you are not prepared to do yourself.?


If you haven’t found modern slavery in your supply chains, you just aren’t looking hard enough. It’s there. If we don’t make it their (the top) responsibility, indifference creeps in. Conflict of interest and priority of values - budgeting. Mindset - own it and accept it that there is an issue you need to take steps to fix.?

Worker Engagement

We’ve got to accept joint responsibility. There is always more we can do. We need to make this a culture thing that has a more authentic approach to discussing this topic.

? The coffee lunch break competition was hilarious. Somebody drinks 7 coffees a day!!

Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains - Tom Frost

Many companies have confidence in their products, but what about the rest of the business?

What these companies (working with Tom) have in common is that they really want to do something about their risks. Very strict policies in place, it's about genuine care, not a tick box.

What can you do to mitigate global supply chain risks?

  • Ask what do you actually know about your supply chain?
  • Map it out and get full visibility
  • Technology is the future and your friend - tracking apps for global shipping data, info on companies etc
  • Recite your code of conduct, it is not a document to collect dust
  • Collaborate with other departments, this is a team effort with shared responsibility
  • Don't assume, check for yourself i.e. pay the factories a visit and see with your own eyes
  • Consider what your intentions are when interacting with workers i.e. to exit a contract, stage it correctly

Unfortunately, I had to leave the event at this point, so I look forward to seeing similar recaps of this event!

After this was Tackling Modern Slavery in the Private Sector by Hannah Cowley and then Eradicating Modern Slavery in Action: Case Studies & Workshop by Adrian Finbow .

Thank you to Beth Seager MCIPS and her wonderful team for such a great event! Such a nice location, and great atmosphere. Thanks for providing a mic for audience members to ask questions, and for the fab lunch! I'm def looking forward to attending my next ABA Procurement event ?

P.S Beth, enjoy spending time with your Little Susan ! ??

Beth Seager MCIPS

Chartered Procurement Consultant & Tutor

2 个月

Sorry it's taken me soooo long to tune back into LinkedIn! I've been looking forward to your article and thank you so much for writing it! It's reminded me again how amazing all of our speakers were and about the action we can take to reduce our modern slavery impact <3


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