AASWSW Supports the Strengthen Kids Mental Health Now Act

AASWSW Supports the Strengthen Kids Mental Health Now Act

The Academy signed a letter of support from the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG) for H.R. 7236, the Strengthen Kids Mental Health Now Act. The bill seeks to bolster investment and access to mental health treatment for children, a need that has grown during the pandemic. According to the full letter of support, the legislation:

  • Bolsters support for pediatric mental health care through Medicaid with enhanced reimbursement and improved Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit implementation.
  • Supports community-based pediatric mental health services and innovative solutions to increase care coordination and integration.
  • Invests in developing and growing the pediatric mental health workforce.
  • Expands national capacity to provide care to children across the continuum of care, including for those who require inpatient treatment and step-down levels of care.

The MHLG is a forum for collaboration among the leading national mental health and addiction-focused organizations that provide policymakers with information and support in advancing shared policy priorities.


