Aaron's Gifts From Home

Aaron's Gifts From Home

Occasionally you hear a story that not only moves you, but it inspires, to me this is an example of that. I hope you feel the same and share this with others. Like many others, my family has always had a rich tradition of serving in the military but have always been fortunate to come home in one piece. My grandfather served as a 1st Lieutenant during World War II in England. My father served in Vietnam as a Sargent with the US Air Force. I myself served as a Specialist in the Michigan National Guard and I have two children currently serving in the US Navy. I’ve had Uncles, Aunts, Father In-Laws, cousins, friends and many acquaintances over the years who have all served but none have moved me as much as a special young man from Midland Michigan.

Some time ago I heard the story of a young Navy Corpsman named Aaron Ullom. As a Navy Hospital Corpsman, Aaron was by all accounts a regular young man starting his life out just as any other young sailor. He attended basic training, advanced training and eventually found himself on deployment with the US Marines in Afghanistan. By all accounts, Aaron “Doc” was one of the guys and served his time with honor and making it the best that he could. Aaron’s family back home, always made sure to send special care packages to him which he eagerly shared with his team.

On July 12, 2011 things changed. Aaron’s unit came under fierce fire and like any Navy Corpsman would, Aaron sprang into action to take care of his team. One member of the team who needed his help was Aaron’s own Lieutenant and without hesitation, Aaron rushed to save his life. Aaron did save his Lieutenant’s life but, in the process, made the ultimate sacrifice himself.

On June 29, 2012, Aaron’s family decided to provide our servicemen and women with a treasure that many Never receive, goodie boxes from home. Aaron always enjoyed these special care packages from his family and what better way for his memory to live on. And so began…Aaron’s Gifts From Home. These boxes contain many treats, treasured necessities and are all hand packed by volunteers in the local area. Tax-deductible 501 (c) (3) donations are used only for gifts for the troops and direct shipping costs. https://www.aaronsgiftsfromhome.com/donate.html If you would prefer to donate items https://www.aaronsgiftsfromhome.com/donation-items.html, or please let me know and I will be happy to assist in getting them to this great organization in time for their next packing.

Please consider donating today in honor of HN Aaron Ullom, United States Navy who was KIA on July 12, 2011 in Afghanistan. Help his memory live on by taking care of our men and women still serving around the world today.

One last request, if you have or no of a facility in the Midland, MI area that could be used as a warehouse and packing facility, please reach out to them as soon as possible [email protected] The church that Aaron’s Gifts From Home has been packing at for the last several months is closing their doors and a new location must be found. Please reach out to them if you have a space not being used and that you would like to donate to a great cause.


