Aarhus Teater in Denmark chose Theatron!
“Aarhus Teater has been looking for several years for a replacement of the outdated resource planning tool currently in use. While several of the systems in our consideration would be able to fulfill our requirements to some degree, they would also require an excessive amount of resources to learn and implement. Theatron provides us with a very intuitive user interface and being a hosted solution makes it a quick-to-learn and easy-to-use tool.
The collaboration with Mansoft has been smooth and they have addressed all our concerns quickly and competently.
Theatron is based on Microsoft SQL database and so is our new Intranet Microsoft Sharepoint platform, which furthermore will enable us to avoid any future development and proprietary concerns. Theatron will be integrated into Sharepoint for providing always up-to-date schedules and the possibility to create our own views and reports from all the information that Theatron provides.
We have great expectations and we are looking forward to implementing a new planning tool for Aarhus Teater” comments Jesper S?rensen IT Director from Aarhus Teater.
About Aarhus Teater
Aarhus Teater is Denmark's largest regional stage and was inaugurated in the year 1900. The theatre produces around 15 new productions each year and employs roughly 100 permanent staff with 300-400 people working in the theatre throughout the year. Read more about Aarhus Teater.
About Theatron
Theatron is the leading Nordic solution for theatres scheduling and planning needs, serving today total 34 theatres. Theatron is available throughout Europe in any language. Read more about Theatron.