Aarey Forest and Creatures of the Night..!
Robert Clements
Newspaper Columnist, Author, Playwright and Communications Trainer in Powerful Writing and Dynamic Speaking!
And in the night they came into Aarey Forest; the woodcutters! With blackness as cover, they pulled out electric saw and iron axe, startled the sleeping birds in the trees, their young in their nests, and brought their homes crashing down. Creatures of the night, who come out, while all the world sleep, destroy what the day has made, are generally thought of as thieves and robbers.
But when a government chooses to use the darkness of the night to carry on it’s activity, one has to look at that government and ask why?
Why was night used to cut two thousand and more trees in Aarey?
Why was stealth used, when governments, the guardians of the law, have to resort to tactics used by breakers of the law, who with implements of destruction, use the cover of darkness to do their dastardly act?
And does this reveal a mindset, a new pattern we need to ponder on?.. Read On