AAMP Spring 3-Day Conference 3 Weeks To Go!
Advanced Applications in Medical Practice
Advanced CME education for physicians who specialize in Integrative Medicine.
Dates: Weekend of May 17-19th in Scottsdale.
Attend with Total Flexibility: In Person, Live Streaming, Post Conference. All options come with CME credits. Your attendance can be any combination: 2 days in person and 1 day post conference, for example.
Topics covered will include:
Neurodiversity: Our awareness has progressed from a marginalized portion of our patient population to a much broader group of people we see daily. Our understanding of the neurodiverse spectrum is evolving continuously. We now see that (while often discrete in presentation) there are crossover points creating exaggerated symptom pictures in our patient populations. Because of this, the integrative and naturopathic community is uniquely poised to help these populations. This conference will bring the practitioner up to date on assessment and integrative therapies in this important patient group.
18 CMEs. CONO approved for 11 Category A and 6.5 Pharmacology.
Any questions or queries, please email [email protected] or call +1 954 540 1896.