A29- Reference Books for Transformer Engineers- Part 2
We covered in the last part, major books on transformer accessories and CIGRE Technical Brochures useful to transformer engineers. This week we will review books on heating & cooling. CFD (computational fluid dynamics), Dielectric, electrodynamics, electromagnetics, Publications from EPRI, and books for oil seal joint design.
Heating and cooling are major aspects for transformer engineers to be well versed with. For normal design work, Blume or Karsai will be sufficient. But for those, pursuing R& D work or optimisation, the following books will be useful. Max Jacobs (1879-1955), the German Physicist, is the most well-known authority on thermal science and his classic texts were quite popular. Today Holman (1986) & Patankar (1980) are the titles, quite often referred to.
M.Jakobs, Elements of Heat Transfer and Insulation ed2.0 1950
M.Jacobs, Heat Transfer
W.M.Rohsenow, Heat and Mass Transfer, 1964
S.V.Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York
Olson, R.M, Essentials of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, ed4.0.Harper &Row Publishers, New York
Kreith,F, Black,W.Z, Basic Heat Transfer, Harper &Row Publishers, New York
A.Bejan, Convection Heat Transfer, John Wiley &Sons, New York, 1984
Rohsenow,W.M, J.P. Harnet, E.N.Ganic, Handbook of Heat Transfer Fundamentals,ed2.0 .McGraw Hill,NewYork
J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, Mac Graw Hill, ed6.0, 1986
W. M. Keys, M E Crawford, Convective heat and mass transfer, Mac Graw Hill, 1995
John H. Lienhard, A Heat Transfer Book ed3.0, 2008
Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) as a science was developed in 1950s and became useful during the past 30 years, in understanding and improving convectional cooling of transformer windings. The physical aspects of oil flow (air flow in case of dry type transformers) through the cooling ducts of transformer windings and coolers are governed by three fundamental principles; (1) mass is conserved;(2) F=ma (Newton’s law; and (3) energy is conserved. These fundamental principles can be expressed in terms of mathematical equations, usually partial differential equations. CFD is the art of replacing above differential equations of fluid flow with numbers using high speed computers and complex software. These numbers are used in space and/or time to obtain the final numerical description of fluid flow through the cooling ducts of windings and coolers to determine the resulting local temperatures and hot spots.
John F. Wendt (ed), Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction, Springer ed1.0 1992; ed2.0 1996; ed3.0, Pages 330, 2009
John David Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics-The basics with Applications, 1995 (good rating)
John C. Tannehill, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (good rating)
American Management association, Optimum use of Engineering Talent,1961; Indian Edition, D.B. Taraporevala Sons, Bombay, Pages 416, 1969
Thomas A. Hunter, Engineering Design for Safety, McGraw-Hill, Inc, Pages 298, 1992
Kay Hameyer, Ronnie Belmans, Numerical Modelling and Design of Electrical Machines and Devices, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, Pages 305, 1999
Kalyanmoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design, Prentice Hall of India, Ltd, Pages 381,2005
Weidman, Switzerland had published two volumes on Transformer insulation, titled Transformer Board Vol.1&2 (in 1979 & 1987). Transformer designers cannot miss these volumes that contain solid insulation data and application guidance in a tutorial format. Doble tutorial of 2004 is a comprehensive volume on Dielectric Theory.
F.W. Peek Jr, Dielectric Phenomena in High Voltage Engineering, ed1.0,1915, ed3.0,1929
R. Strigel, Electric Impulse Strength, Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany1939
Willis Jackson, The insulation of electrical equipment, Chapman &Hall Ltd, London
B. Tareev, Physics of Dielectric Materials, Mir Publishers, Moscow, Pages 270, 1975
H.P.Moser,V. Dahinden, Transformer Board -I ,Weidman Rapperswil,Switzerland,1979
R.Bartikas, (Editor) Engineering Dielectrics –ASTM STP 926 vol. II Electrical Properties of Solid Insulating Materials: Molecular structure and Electrical Behaviour, Philadelphia, ASTM, 1987
H.P.Moser, V. Dahinden, Transformer Board- II, Weidmann, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 1987
Ravindra Arora, Wolfgang Mosch, High Voltage Insulation Engineering, New Age International (P) Ltd, Pages 290,1995
Doble Engineering, Dielectric Theory and Practice ed7.0, Pages 356, 2004
Ahmed Shahsiah, Mass Transfer in Electrical Insulation of Power Transformers –modelling migration characteristic gases between solid and liquid insulations, VDM Verlang Dr Muller, Pages 114, 2008
R.E. James, Q. Su, Condition Assessment of HV Insulation in Power system Equipment, The Institution of Engineering and Technology ,2008
Yanqing Du, Measurements and modelling of moisture in Transformer Insulation, VDM Verlang Dr Muller, Pages 316,2009
Sivaji Chakravarti, Electric Field Analysis, CRC Press, Pages 568, 2015
To deal with the modern theory of electrical engineering, transformer R &D engineers must be good in mathematics as well as electrical engineering. They should be well versed in the physical phenomena of electromagnetism and apply this knowledge in further development of transformer engineering. One such area, especially important for research, development, and design engineers is the applied, macroscopic Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic fields. Engineering electrodynamics tries to apply such advanced theories in to practical applications in industry. (Refer the titles under Maxwell Equations, covered in next part of this series)
Electrodynamics is the science, describing the motion of matter (ie fields, energy, charges, bodies, and media) under the influence of forces acting in electric and magnetic fields. Engineering electrodynamics is the science of the practical industrial application of classical electrodynamics and physics.
The following two books should be there with transformer engineers who work in R &D of transformers. Book by J. Turowski will be especially useful for transformer engineers.
David J Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, ed4.0, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, Pages 597, 2012
Janusz Turowski, Engineering Electrodynamics-Electric Machine, Transformer, and Power Equipment design, CRC Press, Pages 568, 2014
B. Hague, Electromagnetic Problems in Electrical Engineering, Oxford University Press, London, 1929
W.B. Boast, Principles of Magnetic and Electric Fields, Harper &Brothers, New York, 1948
Weber, E, Electromagnetic Fields –Vol 1, John Wiley, 1950
G W Carter, The Electromagnetic field in its engineering aspects, Longmans, London, 1962
Richard Stoll, Eddy Currents, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Pages128,1974
J.A. Edminister, Electromagnetics, Schum’s outlines, Macgraw-Hill,Ed1993 , Ed2.0 Indian Edition, McGraw-Hill,2006
K. Polivanov, The Theory of Electromagnetic Field, Mir Publishers, Moscow, Pages 271, 1983
M V K Chari, S J Nelson, Numerical Methods in electromagnetism, New York, 2000
A.B.J. Recee, T.W, Preston, Finite Element Methods in Electric Power Engineering, Oxford University Press, Oxford,2000.
Joa Pedro A Bastos, Nelson Sadowski, Electromagnetic Modelling by FEM, Marcel Deckker, 2003
William H. Hayt, John A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Ed8.0 Pages 593,2012 -ed7.0Pages 582, 2005
Jose R Cardoso, Electromagnetics through the Finite Element Method: A simplified approach using Maxwell’s Equations, Pages 198, CRC Press, 2016
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) conducts researches and development projects on Electric Power and Utilization for the benefit of society, with headquarters at Palo Alto, California, USA. www.epri.com . They normally undertake work under sponsorships of utilities/manufacturers and the reports remain accessible only to sponsors for a limited period. After that period, all can access them.
There are hundreds of reports (running few pages to more than 1000 pages) on various aspects of Electric Power. Some typical titles, relevant to transformers are included below:
1) 1995- Static Electrification in Transformers TR-105019
2) 1998- Power Plant Electrical Reference series No. EL-5036 in 17 volumes; Vol 2 covers Power Transformers
3) 2002- Power Transformer Maintenance and Application Guide, Tr-1002913
4) 2006- OLTC Management -EPRI 1012350
5) 2006- Copper Sulphide Corrosion – EPRI 1012353
6) 2007- Transformer Replacement strategy, TR-1015077
7) 12024199-Transformer root cause analysis (now part of Transformer Book)
8) 3002007754- Power Transformer Book
9) 1023060-Substation Life Extension Guide
10) Guide lines for Applications and analysis of Transformer IDB-Data and models,2008
The books on gaskets and seals (1974, 1996 &2007) will be helpful for transformer engineers designing tank and joints. Another document for designing oil seal joints is the Parker O-ring Handbook, published by Parker Hannifin Corporation, a leading oil seal manufacturer. www.parkerorings.com.
Designers of Generator Transformers should have a fair knowledge on bus ducts used for connecting transformer to generator terminals. CBIP Publication No 303 (2007) will be helpful for the study of isolated busducts.
Johannes Schaeffer, Rectifier theory, practice and circuits
F.B.Seely, Resistance of Materials, ed2.0, John Wiley &Sons Inc, New York,1935
Geoffrey L. Kulak, John W. Fisher, John H. A. Strucik, Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc, ed1.0 1974, ed2.0 Pages 333,1987
Czernik, Daniel E, Gaskets: Design, selection, testing, Mac Graw Hill, New York, 1996.
CBIP Publication No.303, Manual on Busduct, CBIP, New Delhi, Pages 230,2007
Robert Flitney, Seals and Sealing Handbook, Elsevier, ed5,0 Pages 597,2007
Production & Testing Engineer r at Tesla Transformers Ltd
3 年Sir you have soft copy so pls share
Extensive engineering experience
3 年Great contribution !!!!!
Asst.C.O.O/QA & IS at Powertrans Consultants & services
3 年Well said
Product Design Engineering Manager at Hitachi Energy.
3 年I am trying to find a book from many days. Did not recollect the exact name of title but it was on transformer design and operations by S.B vastuniski, does any one have information about this.