The A-Z of January 2022
Ken Hickson
Author, Advocate, Advisor. Promoter of The Art of Sustainability, ABC Carbon, The Art of Travel, Focus on Forests & Ocean Outlook. Producer of content for media and clients
The A-Z of January 2022
Media moments, meetings and madness in the first month of the calendar year and to see off the Year of the Ox. Alphabetically, our diary recognises stories planned, produced and/or promulgated, with much more to come. As a wordsmith - or word processor! - I'm surprised how often numbers crop up. Here's 26 more:
A – Australia’s forests?going through the renewal and regeneration process - exemplary work by?Sustainable Timber Tasmania and Midway Tasmania -??was the Feature Article in January for?PEFC and Responsible Wood.
B – Buckminster Fuller, the brilliant American visionary designer and scientist, comes back to life in an amazing exhibition at?the Art Science Museum,?which runs until 10 July.??Introduced to us at a media preview on 20 January by Honor Harger. More to come from us.?
C – Carbon Capture, Utilisation, Storage & Shipping.??A mouthful to digest and a new acronym – CCUSS! We interviewed DNV Maritime’s Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria on the subject for an article due to appear in the near future. We contributed to another?Opinion Piece by Cristina,?which appeared in Manifold Times in January.
D – Double Helix?Tracking Technologies and Darren Thomas appeared in a scheduled Zoom meeting on 7 January??– along with Jomaine Tang – to review past content produced and posted, and to plan future targeted storytelling around the?DoubleHelix Purpose Statement 2021-22.
E – Envizi & IBM?get together for good, it was announced on 11 January. As we’ve known and worked with?David Solsky, Envizi’s CEO and Co-Founder, for some years, we are happy to continue to support the environmental performance management platform in any way we can through its Singapore business Envizi Asia.??
F – Focus on Forests?continued into 2022 with our first?Media News Bulletin for PEFC?for the year, carrying stories about natural rubber,??eco-labelling, furniture, and even tress outside forests in India. We even noted that Cork, Oils, Food & Medical Products are now Included in the expanded range of categories for Chain of Custody Certification.
G - GCMD & Ammonia?was headlined on 27 January when the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation announced that a DNV consortium was awarded the safety study for the use of ammonia as a bunkering fuel in Singapore. Here’s?how ABC Carbon Express reported it?on Linkedin.
H – Huggs and Horses?caught our attention as we published “All about books: 10 + 10 + 1 = 21 Going on 22” on?2 January in The Art of Travel. Huggs Epigram Coffee Bookshop is back in business and two featured books – “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by??Charlie Mackesy and “Horse” by Geraldine Brooks – were reviewed and/or previewed.?
I – India and LVL. That’s Laminated Veneer Lumber, which?Venturer Timberwork?is exploring to produce from locally sourced timber in the Indian sub-continent.??We talked to Hams Tino in Chennai about this engineered wood product, so expect to read and see more soon.?
J – Jeryl & Sam Ran.?Finally met up with the?Semula?pair over an Indian meal in Racecourse Road to hand over the?Panels and Furniture Asia magazine,?which featured their table top produced from plastic waste – with a little bit of help from Roger&Sons - plus we discussed what more we could??do together to promote recycling and upcycling.?
K – Kiwis abroad?during covid?cropped up in conversation when we met with Hal Serudin at January’s Rolls Royce event. We showed him?“This is us”,??the book by Pete Carter,?which included a photo from a Rolls event at Raffles Hotel we both attended two years ago.?
L - Liveability Challenge?for 2022: We attended?the launch by Temasek and Eco-Business?on 14 January,??starting the search for “disruptive, game-changing solutions” that will help cities accelerate decarbonisation, meet increasing demand for food, and conserve our planet’s natural ecosystems. The Prize? S$1 million dollars!
M – MBS on the Rise:?We tasted the delights of the new local buffet menu at?Rise Restaurant with regional flavours,?enjoying Malay and Thai dishes the most. Impressed by the excellent service and meeting executive chef Colin Thumboo. We discussed a former MBS executive chef Christopher Christie, who sadly passed away in June 2017.?
N – National Gallery?and The Art of Sustainability seem to be a very good match. When meeting Chua Swee Leen, she told us of her hopes and plans to make the historic buildings of the National Gallery Singapore more sustainable.??In more ways than one. We haven’t visited for a while, so planning to check what the gallery has to show. We can still catch the?Light to Night Festival until 3 February.?
O – Orchids on a Rolls:?Bespoke?craftmanship lies at the very heart of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.?We experienced this first hand with the unveiling of a?‘one of one’ Phantom Orchid?on 27 January, which?has been?specially?designed for a Singapore buyer.?The design features of the latest Rolls are decidedly tropical, as lead designer Michael Bryden told us.?
P – Panels & Furniture:?Started to work on the next article for this magazine, around PEFC’s campaign to promote responsible sourcing and sustainable supply chains for?wooden furniture in the ASEAN region.??
Q – Qestor in Club Street?has been a regular haunt for us for 12 years. Not a F&B outfit like a lot of its neighbours in a wonderful street, but a place to??do?Finance and Business (also F&B),?like signing documents, as I had to do in January for Envizi Asia, or in the past for SASA, when I set up the consultancy in Singapore in 2010.?
R – Rubber & Refrigerants: We continue to promote PEFC certified natural rubber and rubber wood from Southeast Asia to markets all over the world. (See F above). Looking to see how we can help Adrian Bukmanis – who we engaged with in January – to tell a convincing story on how to best deal with?planet-damaging gases from refrigerants.
S – SMEs and Sustainability. Met online with Euclid and Co at the SME Centre to finalise content for the SME Capability Workshop on?“Profitable Sustainability for SMEs”?coming up 24 February, where we play a leading role.??Allan Lim of Alpha Biofuels got us started on this.
T – Textiles and Fashion. Met with the?Textile and Fashion Federation (TaFF)?twice in January to explore ways we can help produce relevant content for media and drive the sustainability agenda for members and the industry in Singapore/Southeast Asia.?
U – Unicorns for Countdown. Good to hear from?Steve Melhuish of Wavemaker/Property Guru?at the?Countdown to 2030 event?organised by Adam Lyle and Padang & co. With one of the fastest growing unicorns in Asia, Steve has also come up with a carbon mapping platform for Southeast Asia. We also heard from Temasek and Corteva on what they’re up to sustainability-wise.
V – Venice & Marco Polo: That’s how we started on our journey of discovery when we met in January with?Dr Andrea Nanetti,?Associate Professor?at the NTU Singapore, School of Art, Design and Media - thanks to publisher Barry Clarke – but we continued to unearth maps, media, memories historical and much more. More media to come.?
W – Webinars Come and Go. And they seemingly go on forever. But definitely one of the best so far was?DNV’s ‘Live from Singapore’?on decarbonisation for the shipping industry. We filed a report about it on 28 January, which was posted and shared widely with media and connections. According to one reader: “I felt like I was there!”
X – X Marks the Spot: Where I finally found Rosaly Puthucheary – after a walk up a hill in the pouring rain – and talked to her for more than an hour about her wonderful books, including her novel “The Tessellated Path” and the autobiographical “My Father’s Untold Story”.??Her literary works have already been mentioned in?“Poetry in Parenthesis”?in connection with Sanjay Kuttan – who happens to be her son -??and his books. Look out for more on Rosaly, as her books deserve much more recognition and reading.??
Y – Year of the Tiger?is upon us and on 28 January we visited our favourite printer -?Fast Cheetahs?– to get them started on M’s latest tiger painting for business cards and limited edition prints. We also thinking of getting a few copies printed of our “2021 annual report”, as we did a year ago with “Year of Wonders:2020 by 52”.??
Z – Zerowaste & Net Zero. Both occupied our minds in January. Our?eight page feature article on Net Zero?and related issues appeared in print and online in the Singapore Institute of Directors Bulletin for first quarter 2022. Just as Zerowaste has appeared in some of our 2021 articles, we figure it will drive a lot of content coming up, whether it’s for PEFC , Semula, TaFF, NEA or any other organisation??driving change.
Produced by Ken Hickson and included as an item in "77 Not Out!", his annual report on The Year of the Ox.