Tom LaGrave
Integrated Behavioral Health Provider (IBHP) at Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
We will now begin discussing numerically the 7th Honor Bound Academy (HBA) with the given name of Belegost.?In Tolkien’s depiction, it was one of the seven (7) great kingdoms of the dwarves (Naugrim).??With her sister realm, Nogrod, Belegost was dug deep beneath Mount Dolmed in the Blue Mountains in the Ages of Stars.?Amongst the Naugrim (Dwarves) of Belegost were the finest smiths and stone carvers in Middle-Earth.?In their armorer’s halls, they made bright weapons and were the first people to forge chain mail, furthermore, these Naugrim carved the stone chambers of Menegroth.?
An example from Silmarillion on how the Honor Bound Academy’s of modern America will cross-educate, train, and bond with its sister Academy’s.?This seventh Honor Bound Academy (HBA) will be found in the state of Virginia buried deep within the Appalachian Mountain range.
The Patron of Belegost is Carl Celian Icahn, old school through and through.??In order to understand Mr. Icahn terms like “Corporate Raider,” along with “Hostile Takeover,” need to be clearly defined.?In addition, I’ll use the definition of ruthless to help clarify.?“Ruthless can be defined as “without ruth” or “having no ruth.”?So what, then, is ruth??The noun ruth, which is now considerably less common than ruthless, means “compassion for the misery of another,” “sorrow for one’s own faults,” or “remorse.”?And, just as it is possible for one to be without ruth, it is also possible to be full of ruth.?The antonym of ruthless is ruthful, meaning “full of ruth” or “tender.”?Ruthful can also mean “full of sorrow” or “causing sorrow.”?Ruth can be traced to the Middle English noun ruthe, itself from ruen, meaning “to rue” or “to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow.”
Bringing together the spiritual foundation with Mr. Carl Icahn and Tolkien’s Belegost does so by looking into the distant past, late 16th Century, where we find the Native American Nation of “The Cherokee,” which occupied the mountain valleys of southwest Virginia.?There is to be found a merger of these early Native Americans and early American history in the form of Pocahontas, a Powhatan Native American woman known for her involvement with the English colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. ?In a well-known historical anecdote, she saved the life of the Englishman Captain John Smith, by placing her head upon his at the moment of his execution.?Born around 1596, Pocahontas was named Amonute at birth and went by the name Matoaka.?She supposedly earned the nickname Pocahontas, which means “playful one,” because of her happy inquisitive nature.
From early America of the Cherokee, along with Mr. Carl Icahn, to the most recent accumulation of Special Forces operators for the US Marine Corps, are the story of Critical Skills Operators (CSO), now known as the Marine Raiders.?Special Operations Command (SOCOM) was formed on April 16, 1987 and Marine Special Operations Command or (MARSOC) stood up February 24, 2006 with the unit adopting the Raider title in 2015.?Though this is the youngest of the Special Forces units its uniqueness can be understood in two simple statements.?They are “once a Marine always a Marine,” and “all Marines are riflemen.”?I do not write these words to the many, I write them to the few, the proud.?Yes!?I write them as a Navy SEAL, and the only Naval personnel that can talk smack to a Marine and get away with it.?Not because I’m a Navy SEAL, but because I am a Naval Hospital Corpsmen “Doc,” Hooyah, Semper Fi, 8492/5326.
In closing, this grouping is as unique as all six of the Honor Bound Academy’s (HBA) that have preceded this one.?The pairing of each individually is well thought out, as can be seen here with Mr. Carl Icahn, “Corporate Raider,” and “MARSOC – Marine Raider,” a combination that will write its own astonishing history.