A-Gay-Ny Aunt #33
Gina Battye
Psychological Safety and Workplace Culture | Creating cultures where people work better together | CEO & Founder of the Psychological Safety Institute
Welcome to this week's edition of A-Gay-Ny Aunt.
I was asked:
I have settled into a routine with working from home and have enjoyed the flexibility it has offered me. I feel apprehensive about going back into the office. What do you suggest I do?
Hello there,
I know many people are feeling a similar way to you.
You've been working from home for some time and yes, your routine and working pattern will inevitably have changed, with a much reduced commuting time!
It sounds like you enjoy working from home (or the benefits that brings) and are feeling a little unsettled about having to go back to working from an office full time.
I suggest you speak to your line manager about your options, as a starting point.
Here are some things you might want to discuss with your line manager.
- What are the options for you in terms of your location? Are you able to work from home, either full time or a few days a week?
- Are you able to work flexible hours? If so, talk about your preferred working pattern.
- If you do have to be in the office, can you do a phased return?
- What are the safety precautions your organisation has put in place to keep you safe?
- What implications does that have for your day to day work?
If you have any particular worries about returning to the office, make sure you discuss those with your line manager too.
Here are the things you might want to discuss with your team.
- Your return to the office. What are you all concerned about and why? What are your biggest worries and what can you do to make sure everyone feels safe (physically and psychologically)?
- Talk as a team about the safety precautions your organisation have proposed; make sure you are all comfortable with these and you understand the day to day implications this may have. Are there any extra precautions you as a team want to introduce?
- Discuss what you have learned about yourself during lockdown - about your preferred working patterns, channels of communication etc. Talk about what that means for you as a team and how that impacts on day to day functioning of the team, collaboration, meetings, projects etc.
- What are your priorities for your first few weeks back? What can you do to support each other with these?
- Talk about work-life balance and devise a team plan to ensure you don't slip into those old working patterns and habits.
Personal Actions
- Check out your organisations wellbeing events.
- Take regular breaks from your screen.
- Don't try to do too much on your first few days in the office. There will be a lot to get used to, including seeing people again!
- Be mindful of social interaction when in the office. It may feel too much and overwhelming at first.
- Make sure you are taking responsibility for your own safety - physical and psychological.
- Be kind and considerate to your colleagues. You have no idea what they are thinking, feeling and experiencing. On the surface they may appear fine but underneath the surface they may be kicking like crazy to stay afloat.
- Check in regularly with your colleagues. About work but also about how they are feeling about being back in the office.
- If you have social anxiety or are new in role (and have yet to meet your colleagues in person), there are more strategies for you in here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/a-gay-ny-aunt-30-gina-battye-she-her-/
Rest assured, it will be a strange time for all of your team, including your line manager so make sure you keep the communication flowing.
Hope that helps,
Have your questions answered in A-Gay-Ny Aunt
A-Gay-Ny Aunt is a weekly column written by Gina Battye - about navigating work, relationships, family and feelings, your sexuality and gender and being your Authentic Self in a chaotic and often confusing world.
To have your questions answered anonymously in A-Gay-Ny Aunt, please DM Gina or send an email to [email protected]
About Gina Battye
Gina Battye is a world-renowned Authenticity, Psychological Safety and LGBT+ Inclusion Consultant and Trainer for Multinational Corporations, Fortune 500s, TV, Film and the Global Press.
As a media friendly experienced expert, with an acting background, Gina's work has been featured widely in the media, including:
Sky News, BBC Radio, Forbes, Psychologies, Cosmopolitan.
Media Enquiries | Authentic Self Process | 5 Pillars of Psychological Safety