The A-B-C's of Marketing on a Shoestring Budget
Lori A. McNeil
Leadership Development | Workplace Culture Expert | Talent Management Consultant | I help companies develop and advance their talent and build high-performing teams.
Whenever we talk about business, we end up discussing the concept of marketing. The beauty of marketing is that it is one of those business elements that everyone must do. No one bats an eye at marketing, only the tactics that are used.
This could easily be “yet another” article on marketing with a shoestring budget
You would be correct, however as always, we infuse our little twists and turns that create a unique angle. If we are honest with ourselves, there is “nothing new under the sun” simply new angles to look at what is under the sun.
We are ones who will say keep it simple. The more you can simplify what you do in business the more success you will have. This is demonstrated in many ways (the 80/20 principle for example), and not without saying that the more time we spend on something, the less connected we become with it.
Let’s keep it simple. Marketing, especially on a shoestring budget is as simple as understanding the ?A-B-C’s of it all:
Attract – Build – Create.
A – Attract
The first element is to attract clients/customers into your business. Without attraction, your business will lose its allure. What is it that attracts your clients to you? If you don’t know… ask.
Asking reveals information. It provides opportunities. It cultivates movement.
* Ask your clients for input. Attract new clients by offering something for free on your website for simply visiting.
* Ask you current or former clients for testimonials.
* Ask your advocates (your community) for referrals.
The more you ask for, the more you will receive. Most of the time our answers are just around the corner from asking.
B – Build
Next, take what you know and build on it.
* Build your email list.
* Build out your website.
* Build upon your current social media channels.
* Build your networking opportunities by becoming a valued member of the coveted “OPC” family… Other Peoples Communities.
This happens by being a guest on a podcast. Jumping into another colleagues live video. Find an event and attend it. The more you think outside the box, the more boxes you can build.
* Build your value out by commenting on other peoples postings across various channels. Start going live yourself and build your following.
Partner with someone who does have the budget and offer your services to help them build out their event. Become the expert by being known as the communicator.
* Build trust. People do business with those whom they know, like, and trust.
C – Create
Finally, it’s time to create. This is not merely about content although creating content is essential. We are talking about how to create opportunities to infuse yourself, your brand, your value (marketing) across multiple channels with little (or no money).
Here are some simple ideas.
Start with a newsletter. Send it out to your email list. Begin monthly. As time progresses perhaps you move into twice a month, or even weekly. When you start simple, you build consistency.
Start... simply start.
* Create a business page on Google.
* Create a Facebook group.
* Create a YouTube channel.
Start your own podcast and invite others onto it (creating reciprocity). Create an affiliate program and let others market for you. Create an original blog.
When it comes to content creation, go interactive. Set up a poll, a quiz, a giveaway. You can create sponsored ads for around $5.00/day on Facebook and Instagram?.
Investing Time Vs Money
The biggest takeaway is that marketing requires an investment. When your financial budget is a shoestring one, your marketing investment will come in the way of time. What we have been discussing takes little money, but it does take your time.
This is the unique perspective we have. Most businesses start off with limited budgets, however the one thing we all have that we can invest with is?time.
I challenge you to take some time and to see where your time is going. Then, invest wisely.?