A?Aí FROM AMAZONIA – the purple gold!

A?Aí FROM AMAZONIA – the purple gold!

The love of Brazilians for products produced from A?aí from the Amazon is remarkable.[Typical fruit from Pará in Brazil].

I clearly remember the first time I tasted A?ai. That's twenty years ago. I was at a Carnival in the interior of Espirito Santo and I saw a huge line of people at a beach tent waiting for a purple cream covered in granola and banana. I stopped and asked what that purple ice cream was and someone told me it was a?aí cream. I quickly got in line and waited anxiously to find out what knowledge would have that so much disputed product.


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A?aí is a Brazilian fruit grown predominantly in the Amazon region. With a dark color, ranging from purple to black, the rounded fruit is born in bunches and, most of the time, in places with more humid or flooded soils.

Even though it is a typical fruit from the North of the country, a?aí has become popular nationally and is used in different ways in Brazilian cuisine, as it has many nutritional properties.

The a?ai palm or a?aí palm (Euterpe oleracea), the plant responsible for the production of a?aí, is a monocot of the Arecaceae family, native to the Amazon region, which includes, in addition to Brazil:

? Venezuela,

? Colombia,

? Ecuador,

? Guianas and

? Peru.

In Brazil, around 90% of production is in the state of Pará.


Interestingly, each region of Brazil has a different custom for consuming a?aí. In the North and Northeast, mainly, it occupies a place of basic food and is consumed with other foods, such as rice, beans, meat, shrimp, tapioca flour and others.

Northerners and Northeasterners also tend to consume a?aí juice. The fruit is crushed by hand or in specific machines, sieved and added to water to be consumed. Another form of consumption is a?aí wine. In this case, in addition to being crushed, the fruit undergoes a fermentation process.

In the Midwest, South and Southeast regions, a?aí is more considered a dessert. Its pulp is used for the production of ice cream, smoothies and various frozen mixtures that receive the addition of fruits and sweets for afternoon or evening meals.

These are some of the characteristics of each location, but the various forms of consumption can be enjoyed in any region.

benefits of acai

Acai is rich in:

? proteins,

? vegetable fat,

? vitamins (B1, C and E),

? minerals and

? fibers.

The high amount of fat present largely corresponds to monounsaturated (60%) and polyunsaturated (13%) fats, which help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve good cholesterol (HDL).

The strong color of a?aí also brings with it an important characteristic that benefits health. The peel of the fruit has anthocyanin, an antioxidant substance that helps fight the body's dead cells, reflecting on the improvement of the skin and appearance.

Finally, a?aí is also present in the diet of many athletes, taking into account that the presence of iron and calcium minerals helps strengthen bones and joints, in addition to contributing to the body's energy and cardiovascular functions.



In recent years, a?aí has become known worldwide for its energy properties, being an “ambassador of the Amazon”, recognized as a typical product of the region. Research is underway to study the benefits of its consumption, as well as the versatility of its application, including in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. The high international demand for the product occurs at the same time that the traditional consumption by the inhabitants of the Amazon also only increases.

A?aí export grows almost 15,000% in ten years

The United States is the largest importer of our a?aí, considered the Brazilian purple gold, consuming up to 40% of exports from Pará, the main producer of the fruit.

Data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) show that Pará is the largest Brazilian producer of a?aí and that in the last 10 years there has been an increase of around 15,000% in shipments of the fruit.

Main Destinations

In addition to the United States, import leaders with almost 40% of participation, Japan and Australia are also very famous destinations for our a?aí, moving around six figures annually. Then some countries in Europe, such as Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and Portugal, make up this list.

Rogério Dias, one of the entrepreneurs from Pará who already serves the American market, explains that 20% of the total he produces in the metropolitan region of Belém (RMB) goes to the United States, which represents something around R$7 million a year. “Although this value seems high, we have the capacity to export much more. We have been fighting to get better markets, breaking the country's borders and valuing the product”, he adds.

Get to know some A?Aí exporting companies here:

A?Aí TOWN - https://acaitown.com/

Email: [email protected]

+55 (15) 3305-2997

+55 (15) 99630-0185


PEGA?Aí - https://pegacai.com.br/

Email: [email protected]

?+55????+55 (11) 99559.1763?


PETRUZ - https://petruz.com/pt/

United States of America

EIN: 38-4007991

[email protected]

?+55 (91) 9838-0007


[email protected]

+49 1515 7405451 – +55 91 9838-0007


A?Aí WILL -?https://acaiwill.com.br/

+55 (22) 99949-0850

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Are you able to export to USA, Portugal, Middle East and Europe? I would like to know more about this exporter opportunity.




