9th Circuit: Trump Can't Use Military Funds to Build Boarder Wall
California, Arizona, and New Mexico will not receive military money to build the boarder wall. Texas, which is under the 5th Circuit court, will still be able to receive military funds because the 9th circuit is only the law of the land under its jurisdiction.
Historically, the 9th circuit is overturned by the Supreme Court the most. Eventually, SCOTUS will have to decide if it's an overreach for a president to use military funding to build a boarder wall. Because the President is the commander in chief, it is likely that SCOTUS will rule that the president may also dictate where military funds go, especially if it's an unforeseen military requirement. Covid-19 may make a difference in the case, or at least be brought up as a legal argument that could go either way. We need to protect our boarders, now especially as this virus rips though our country, vs. the boarder isn't under threat because there are fewer illegal crossings because of Covid-19.
Either way, the military fund is a small percentage of the overall boarder wall budget, but it does put a delay on how many miles of wall Trump wished to build by 2021.