Are 99% of Water Balloons Harmless?
Yes, I happen to think that 99% of water balloons are totally harmless. Especially if you pick up the pieces from your lawn after the fun is over.
I also happen to think that 99% of new puppies are totally cute, that 99% of snowflakes are totally different, and I even think that about 99% of Paul McGowan's book "99% True", is close to being totally true [he is CEO of PS Audio].
But, I do not think that 99% of COVID-19 cases are totally harmless. The damages done to individuals, and to their families and communities are too great to even be measured. The impact on the finances and stability of businesses, both here and abroad, both small and large will linger on for years. Many years. Our culture of openness and friendship has dropped to new depths.
Both the U.S. and Texas [where I live] have reported new record highs of cases today [7/7/2020] and new cases are projected to continue to increase. Tell the 55,000 new U.S. cases that they have little to worry about, 'cause 99% are totally harmless, or tell the 10,000+ new cases here in Texas, that they too have little to worry about. But whatever you do, don't let it be know that 4.5% of all COVID-19 cases in the United States .... end up dead. Totally dead.
Totally dead. All we need to do is: Wash hands. Wear mask. Social distance.