99 Problems
Daniel Munday
Former fitpro for over 23 years, and business owner for over 18 years. Now ready for the next chapter
Unlike red wine, problems don’t improve with age.
(Side note, how good is a nicely aged red!)
So delaying implementing a solution is never a good idea.
And while you may not be Jay Z and have 99 Problems, I can bet you have a few of them right now.
We all do.
Today I want to give you the exact reason why sometimes it's better to "pay once, cry once" as the old saying goes, and get on top of those problems before they become bigger ones.
As some of you know, we recently bought a house and it turns out the building report wasn't exactly accurate with a few issues.
One of them being the sagging ceiling that proved worse than initially expected.
It wasn't such a simple fix as we were initially told, and it wasn't just confined to a couple of rooms.
It was pretty much through the whole house.
End result is we had to put a new ceiling in.
Sure, we could've rode it out.
Had one plasterer who came out to quote who said he wouldn't even bother with it now and wait and see how it goes.
The problem with that, and the problem with putting off your issues, is that it eventually would've reared it's head again.
It wasn't going to magically go away and fix itself.
And who knows if we were going to come home one day to a hole in the roof, or worse, have it collapse on us in the middle of the night when you're asleep in bed.
Besides, if we waited, sure we would've saved the best part of $8k upfront, but who knows what the cost would've been in a few years time seeing how things constantly increase in price.
Most importantly though, the inconvenience of having to move everything back out of the house and find alternate accomodation when we did decide to fix it down the track was a bigger turn off then biting the bullet and getting it done straight away before we moved in.
Even if we had've just decided to do the main problem rooms now and wait and see on the others it would've needed doing eventually.
End result, we decided to get it all done and the bloke we chose off a referral did a great job and even with my non professional painting (it actually turned out pretty good), it looks way better than what it did before.
And safer.
So this is a long winded way of saying that if you are struggling with something now,
be that a little niggle, or you're just not happy with how your fitness level, or stress levels are right now
= you have to do something about it.
Before it becomes worse.
Sure you may not be too keen to pay for a solution.
But look at it like this - what if that cost is actually an investment - one that not only fixes your problem, but also saves you a bunch of money, time and inconvenience in the long term because you decided to do something about it now, before it gets worse.
Make sense?
So with this in mind, if you know that your partner is currently struggling with any of those problems I just mentioned, or something outside of that, the smart thing now is to get them along to a DPM session so they can benefit from the sessions just like you do.
You can grab your DPM Family Pass upsize for only $99/mth here
That gives them the same level of access you do now.
Be that 2 sessions a week, 3 or more or even personal training.
And yes I won't discriminate against you if you're not married or coupled up.
This goes for anyone in your family.
Your sister, brother, mother etc.
You get the point.
Just don't put off those problems, cause then they will become 99 problems.