99% Nonsense

99% Nonsense

Let’s be real: the world is drowning in nonsense. Everywhere you look, it's TikTok trends, crypto-bros pitching the next “game-changer,” and billionaires arguing on social media like teenagers in a group chat. We’re all standing knee-deep in a tidal wave of meaningless noise, and yet somehow, life goes on. But isn’t it worth asking: if 99% is nonsense, what’s left in the 1%?

Spoiler alert: it’s not influencers telling you to drink celery juice.

Each Generation’s Baggage

Each generation faces its own mix of great and truly messed-up stuff. When I was a kid, life was tough in ways that might boggle today’s minds. My first seven school years were hell on earth. The first six were the worst: my teacher was a sadistic maniac who physically abused me and humiliated me in every batshit way possible. Today, that kind of teacher would be in jail faster than you could say “child protection.” Back then? Nobody talked about it. It wasn’t common, but my small village school was its own kind of warped universe. Parents didn’t exactly hover. Their lives were work, work, dinner, maybe a little TV, and bed. Feelings, dreams, goals? Those were luxuries nobody had time for. The unspoken rule was, “Kid, society will take care of you now. Good luck.”

Finding Silver Linings in the Crapstorm

Despite the hellscape, there were some moments of light. You learned to savor the rare, fleeting fun. For me, I became an entertainer. Making other kids laugh wasn’t just a survival mechanism; it was cathartic. Mimicking people, doing funny voices, and writing essays on topics nobody else dared to touch were my silent middle finger to that sadistic teacher. No need to actually raise the finger—my pen and voice did the job just fine.

Another saving grace was growing up in the countryside, surrounded by the fourth-largest lake in Finland. Nature was my escape hatch. Whenever the world got too loud, I’d vanish into the woods. If you went deep enough, you never knew what you might see—moose, foxes, the kind of serene magic that only exists in wild places. Life in the ‘70s and ‘80s was simpler. Sure, it was physically tougher, and abuse was way too normalized, but there wasn’t this constant buzz of social media influencers yapping about how to live your life.

The Cult of the Absurd

Nowadays, a nonsense isn’t just a part of life; it’s the main course. Reality TV, corporate slogans, and social media have turned bullshit into a billion-dollar industry. "Influencers" tell us how to eat, work, think, and breathe, pretending they’ve cracked some cosmic code. But here’s the thing: 99% of it is pure baloney. Sometimes it’s good for a laugh for a second or two, but then you better stop wasting your time.

Where’s the Signal in the Noise?

The nonsense isn’t just annoying; it’s a distraction. While we’re busy debating celebrity feuds or the latest “hack,” the real stuff—the 1% that actually matters—is slipping through the cracks. Climate change, economic inequality, the over-frothed coffee you just paid $7 for… these are the things worth paying attention to. But who has time for that when the nonsense is so shiny and loud?

The Price of Distraction

Nonsense isn’t harmless. It eats up our time, energy, and sanity. It’s why so many of us feel burned out even though we’re not doing anything meaningful. We’re running on a treadmill of fluff, and when we stop to catch our breath, the real world feels overwhelming.

Finding the 1%

So, how do we escape? Start by questioning everything. Why am I watching this? Why do I care about this? Who benefits from me being distracted? The answers might surprise you. They might even annoy you. But that’s a sign you’re on the right track.

Focus on the stuff that matters—the 1%. Read a book. Have a real conversation. Take a walk without your phone. It’s not glamorous, but it’s real. And in a world of 99% nonsense, the real stuff is worth its weight in gold.

A Call to Sanity

If you’re tired of the nonsense, congratulations. That means you’re paying attention. But recognizing the problem is only step one. Step two? Tune out the noise. Build your life around the 1% that matters.

Or don’t. After all, there’s a new trend to scroll, and that treadmill isn’t going to run itself. Just remember: when you’re done chasing nonsense, the 1% will still be there, waiting for you to notice.


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