NO TO 988

NO TO 988

I saw this tonight. It alarms me. The National Council (NatCon) posted this all over ig and other social media this afternoon and yesterday.

I oppose the proposed 988 Suicide Hotline. It will increase Georgia numbers of poor souls who will be visited upon, shackled, routed to their local Emergency Room for medical clearance as a  Suicide/Homicide Risk. That person WILL be placed in a 1013/1014 (Georgia 72 hour involuntary hold). 

988 will increase involuntary commitment
988 will increase mobile crisis intervention site visitation routing to 1013/1014
988 does NOT recognize self-determination
988 does NOT hold dialogue using the CERTIFIED PEER SPECIALIST and Endorsements (2019) for SI/HI Redirection
988 will increase numbers routed to jail, incarceration, asylum
988 offers no Hope
988 propogates Stigma and Hate towards a person exhibiting, stating directly/indirectly self/other harm (with/without plan)
988 buys into the meds and beds model
988 is NOT recovery modeling
988 is duping the mental health communities nationally and regionally
988 will triangulate you digitally
988 brings Cops to your Door

Take a look at


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