980nm #diode laser #BloodVessels Removal #NailFungus removal #Bodyphysical therapy 3 in 1 machine
980nm #diode laser #BloodVessels Removal #NailFungus removal #Bodyphysical therapy 3 in 1 machine
1.High power 1-30W adjustable energy to satisfy different requirements
2.Short time operation, no injury, no bleeding, you can see the obvious treatment results after one treatment
3.Adjustable spot size : from 0.2 to 5 mm of diameter for operator do treatment
4.Major functions: EVLT (Endovenous Veins Laser Treatment), Vascular Lesion therapy, Spider Veins / face veins, superficial vessels (Like spider veins, Telangiectasia, and Rosacea)
5. Other therapies support, such as: Nail Fungus removal, Laser Lipolysis / Liposuction for body slimming, Body physical therapy;
6. TFT True Color LCD, make operate more comfortable;
7. Portable design, more easy to move. OEM and ODM can be accepted if customers need.
Laser Therapy is used for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation
When the light source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimeters and get absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy producing part of a cell. This energy fuels many positive physiological responses resulting in the restoration of normal cell morphology and function. Laser Therapy has been successfully used to treat a broad range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgical wounds,diabetic ulcers and dermatological conditions.
Treatment of Nail Fungus
The treatment outcome can be reached by a single or double session, but it depends on the severity of the fungal infection. The outcome, the growth of new clear nail structures is therefore not immediately visible. Nevertheless, in about 8 weeks after the initial treatment the first new formed clear nail structures are discernible. If this is no the case, an additional treatment could be implemented. A 3rd treatment (ca. 8 weeks after the 2nd treatment) could be necessary if the fungal infection is very definitive. The ultimate result should be visible
#EVLT (Endovenous #Veins Laser Treatment), #VascularLesion therapy, #SpiderVeins #faceveins, #superficialvessels (Like #spiderveins, #Telangiectasia, and #Rosacea) #NailFungusremoval, Laser #Lipolysis#Bodyphysicaltherapy #NailFungus removal, #LaserLipolysis#980nmlaser #laserspiderveinremoval #dermotoleary