98 Years Old and Still Giving
He’s a marvel to me. I watched Bill from a distance for a lot of years. I know him through his son Mark. From Mark, I hear the stories.
Bill’s been part of the Greatest Generation: faith, family and freedom. He served in the military. In civilian life, he flew for the airlines. He and Evelyn were married for 61 years. He loved her with so much energy even to the end. Together, they had 4 kids, 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.
Even now at 98 years of age, he still rallies the troops at his assisted living facility to go to Sunday school and church. Not long ago, he came to Mark and told him he was thinking about donating a kidney (I mean at 98 why does he need an extra one!). When he suffered through a recent bout of sickness, he was concerned that he might not get his quarterly charitable giving done.
He smiles a lot. I think it’s because he gives a lot—in so many ways.