98% of Digital Health Startups Are Zombies - Here's How Successful Startups Avoid That Fate
Dave Chase, Health Rosetta-discovering archaeologist
Healthcare Transformation Author & Speaker | Chief Archaeologist at Health Rosetta
Since moving from the entrepreneur to the VC side of the startup world, I’ve spent a lot of time with seasoned healthcare investors. The common view is that 98% of digital health startups are the walking dead right now. These startups received angel funding but they are operating on fumes and clearly aren’t on a path to profitability and/or Series A funding. Over the last year, I’ve had a bunch of discussions with digital health startups who have reached a point where an acqui-hire or shutdown are imminent.
My takeaway: There is no lack of elegant-looking software. If that’s all it took to succeed, I wouldn’t be writing this piece. The recurring issue for these struggling startups is they lack a creative business model and often are missing a clever go-to-market strategy. Note: This applies even more to internally incubated new ventures within established enterprises. In fact, the topic I’m asked to speak about the most to market leaders is how to create a culture and organizational model that will foster new ventures. It was one of the drivers why Leonard Kish and I curated guiding principles for success in the new health ecosystem from the leading thinkers in the industry.
Turning around Dr. No
The least appealing part of VC business is that you are in the “no” business. Last we calculated, the fund I’m leading has said “no” an average of 170 times for each “yes” to an investment decision. Each startup has its own story but there are over-arching themes to those having success. The winners understand the idiosyncrasies of healthcare without being shackled by them.
[Disclosure: I manage a seed stage venture fund, the Quad Aim Fund. VIZI Health Solutions and Hint Health mentioned in the examples below are Quad Aim Fund portfolio companies.]
It’s important for startups to recognize what they are up against. Our fund is fortunate in that we have great deal flow as a result of our team’s history in the industry. Further, the Quad Aim Fund has one of the largest networks of healthcare experts, which is invaluable for deal flow, due diligence and post-investment support. With over 200 healthcare-specific incubators or accelerators and only a few healthtech focused seed stage venture funds, there is incredible competition to get funding. [As a side note: I personally wish more healthcare organizations would pause before setting up yet another incubator/accelerator when they could proactively work with the best of the healthtech startups who’d readily work with them to combine the best of both worlds. Wise organizations are looking for alternative approaches as there hasn't been much yield out of internal incubations. This includes partnering with organizations such as StartUp Health who've established a track record.]
The most common failure scenario we see is a founding team that is made up of smart technologists who are blind to or dismissive of the idiosyncrasies of healthcare. I’d be the first to be critical of many of these idiosyncrasies and agree that the status quo is horrible. Further, I am hopeful that millennials will clean up the healthcare mess left by their boomer parents. However, being right but too early creates the same result as being wrong. This can be exacerbated by the flawed culture that’s ubiquitous in Silicon Valley, as Chrissy Farr highlighted in a recent Fast Company piece captured by this quote:
Being honest in Silicon Valley is like being the one member of the Olympic team that isn’t on steroids.
We’re fortunate that we can work with savvy healthcare entrepreneurs who don’t play that game. To date, I’ve yet to hear of a great healthIT company (e.g., longstanding, independent and profitable company) to have ever come out of Silicon Valley. I’m certain that will change eventually but it is telling given the billions that have been invested in Silicon Valley startups. The struggling entrepreneurs would be well advised to read Steve Case’s book, The Third Wave. Case talks about how the playbook of the second wave of the Internet that worked for SnapChat, Facebook, Uber and others won’t work in the third wave. Unfortunately, the zombie healthtech companies are largely employing a second-wave strategy lacking the recommended focus on partnerships, policy understanding and perseverance that Case points out as being critical to success.
The second most common failure scenario is healthcare veterans who are too shackled by their experience. They have become accustomed to out-of-date technology that is built for the last war. Frequently, they don’t understand Internet models for building software, acquiring customers and other modern startup practices. They often are guilty of burning way too much capital as they’ve become accustomed to software price tags reminiscent of the 80s & 90s that are commonplace in healthcare.
Clever strategy and aligned interests drives success
As a longtime startup exec/founder, I naturally have a soft spot in my heart for any kind of startup whether it’s technology-based or not. It’s imperative that startups have success since I fervently believe that healthcare is the single greatest immediate threat to the country.
Here are some examples of what I see in the companies that are able to separate themselves from the pack. I hope these examples can be inspiring:
Clever go-to-market strategy: VIZI Health Solutions’ founding team is made up of industry veterans who inherently understand the idiosyncrasies of the industry. Rather than thinking of the health system as a customer, by understanding the dynamics in the post-acute care setting, VIZI realized the health system is a natural partner in distributing their software. In the process, they help achieve the Quadruple Aim by creating a high-value narrow network of post-acute care providers. Naturally, this requires a business model that isn’t a standard enterprise software license sale. The difference between the hospital as a customer versus a channel partner is profound.
Picking your early customers is imperative: I highlighted this in “The Worst Investor Advice I Followed.” Despite what too many investors advise, primarily selling to a health system is a suicide mission for most healthcare startups in their early years. This was echoed by Jonathan Bush in a recent Startup Health interview where he talked about “getting led down a habitrail of death,” referring to trying to sell into hospitals. Even more important is recognition that healthcare is going through a trillion-dollar disruption. Let me draw an analogy. If you were selling enabling technology for retailers and wanted to understand the future of retailing, would you want to get your software running inside of Sears or Amazon? One of the reasons startups choose to work with us is we have spent the last several years chronicling, partnering with and gathering insights from the next generation of healthcare delivery and payment models that are far exceeding incumbents on the Quadruple Aim objectives. They are every bit as disruptive to established players as Amazon has been to retailers. Established players are content to make relatively minor tweaks to their operations. In contrast, a great benefit of working with next-generation players is they have a clarity of vision that can help shape a startup’s roadmap. A textbook example of this is how Twine Health chose to work with Iora Health early in their history. They achieved success much more rapidly than if they had tried to work with traditional volume-based providers.
Aligned business model: Just as health organizations are shifting from fee-for-service to fee-for-value, smart entrepreneurs deeply understand their customers’ business drivers and align their business model accordingly. In other words, successful healthtech startups see themselves in the fee-for-value business. In contrast, struggling startups are often stuck in a fee-for-service model where their license fees don’t correlate with their customers’ success. For example, Hint Health’s leadership shares my belief that we aren’t stuck until the end of humanity with the claims processing system that is an inefficient Gordian Knot designed by Rube Goldberg. Hint also shares my belief that direct contracting by self-insured employers is on the rise. In light of the extraordinary amount of money employers and employees are spending, it’s remarkable that the vast majority of health plans haven’t demonstrated they are positively contributing to the Quadruple Aim, which Hint sees as an opportunity. Unlike virtually every other industry, where non-value-adding middlemen have already been pushed aside, it’s just now starting to happen in healthcare.
The natural starting point for a company such as Hint is the most foundational piece of the Health Rosetta—value-based primary care. Hands-down, the most pervasive example of healthcare delivery organizations over-achieving on the Quadruple Aim has happened with directly contracted primary care operating outside of the flawed fee-for-service system. Hint recognized that primary care is a natural beachhead for the inevitable widespread acceptance of direct contracting. While administrative burdens are radically reduced, eligibility still needs to be established in order for proper payment to take place. Hint’s business model aligns with how these next-generation healthcare delivery organizations want to operate. That is, they only want to pay a fee when they receive payment—not unlike how Visa or Amex charge a merchant a transaction fee for enabling payment. Hint is already working on opportunities outside of the value-based primary care component of the Health Rosetta to transparent medical markets. Because of the vital role they play once they are established inside a provider’s operation, Hint has essentially no customer churn and their success tracks with their customer’s success. Unlike old-line software that’s viewed as an expense, Hint is viewed as a strategic partner unlikely to get pushed out. Consequently, they have had unbridled growth for the last two years.
[Disclosure: As I've disclosed many times, the Health Rosetta is an open-source project that provides a reference model for how purchasers of healthcare should procure health services. In my role as managing partner of the Hf Quad Aim Fund, the Health Rosetta is the foundation of our investment thesis.]
Industry veterans with diverse leadership: I recently was an advisor on a project with a large health organization selecting a strategic startup partner for a key new initiative. Ultimately, millions of dollars are at stake for this strategic initiative. The health organization cast a wide net, starting with dozens of companies. By the time they narrowed down their choices to the final three, each of the CEOs was 40+ years old and two of the three CEOs of those companies were female—all were based outside of Silicon Valley. It wasn’t that the large health organization wasn’t open to Silicon Valley companies as they looked at many of them. The problem was those startups had major blind spots in their business model and their product/service offering that eliminated them. For example, they had no little to no knowledge of how value-based contracting works for Medicare and Medicaid programs. Those blind spots destroyed any opportunity they had because the health organization had no interest in having to do Healthcare 101 with individuals who didn’t know what they didn’t know.
A final thought
Never forget that the cheapest form of capital is customer revenue. If I was to start another company today in healthcare, I wouldn’t do it without having crystal clarity on the path to revenue. That might have worked for Snapchat or Instagram but I wouldn’t count on it in healthcare. When you are up against companies that are literally getting millions of dollars in customer agreements before raising any substantial money, the bar is very high. With the right team and focus, it is possible to accomplish your goals. While there are exceptions to every rule, I wouldn’t bet on being one of those exceptions unless you already have a tremendous track record that investors will almost blindly back you. Fundraising is a false god perpetuated by too many—follow the link for some examples of value creation. I applaud those who have taken a swing at healthcare and hope they aren’t disillusioned. We need all the fresh thinking and talent but it can be better directed. Undoubtedly the “walking dead” founders will dust themselves off and apply their learning to their next venture.
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Strategy Consultant | GP & MultiD Clinic Owner | PhD eHealth | Founder | Board Member @ Brisbane North PHN | GAICD, Health Care Systems & some other stuff
7 年One of a few insightful pieces I've read in the space Dave Chase - thanks. As always finding value requires some youthful exuberance coupled with experience in the industry. I thought all my ideas were brilliant in my youth but on reflection some I've tried haven't been as successful as hoped and others that never got off the drawing board were probably doomed from the start. The other critical factors are timing [and luck].
thanks too Dave..great article
Non Executive Director
7 年Great article Dave and very relevant to what I do so thanks for the advice.
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7 年Thanks Dave! Between the ears or on the chin, you are bringing the pain/knowledge!!