95 to 2023 dreams can come true
Unsplash (2021). https://unsplash.com/photos/xYNaKuhPoyQ

95 to 2023 dreams can come true

I am embarking on 新加坡国立大学 NUS Overseas College (NOC) from January to June next year!

My childhood dream has always been to open a restaurant, not because I enjoy eating food or is a master chef but I enjoy serving people. People first has always been my motto and my life mantra is

Act as if what you do make a difference, it does
William James Quotes. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved from.

As I grew older, I realised there are so many injustice and inequality in the world - that made the imaginative and dreamer me a little low.

With that, I always wanted to open a cafe with social enterprise purpose.

On that note, I am very excited to be part of NUS NOC and start my entrepreneurship journey.

Dreams could do come through ~

What are your childhood dreams?

Do you have the ability now to achieve it?


