9/17/24 It's time to wear your #Zero@$%!s T-shirt

Reading time: Maybe 45 seconds


Remember yesterday’s convo about it being time to stop trying so f*cking hard? Well, today I want to talk about one of my favorite concepts from the book: the #ZeroFucks attitude.

What does it mean to have a #ZeroFucks attitude?

  • You know who you are, what you like, and what you don’t (and you’re okay saying so)
  • You give equal weight to the good and the bad (think feedback, encouragement or discouragement, etc.)
  • You make no apologies for being yourself

Imagine how freeing it would be to live like this every day. To wear your metaphorical (or literal) #ZeroFucks T-shirt and just be you.

Are you ready to give it a try? Order your copy here.

Stay authentic,

P.S. What's one small way you could embrace a #ZeroFucks attitude today? Try it out and let me know how it feels!

P.P.S. For those of you following along to dissect my marketing strategy here, I’m pulling points out of the book that solve a problem for the reader. Your book might provide a road (or book) map (ahem), so you can talk about the benefits.

Look at it this way: your book solves a problem or provides a solution for your prospective reader.

Your job is to point it out and give them the option to buy.

See what I did there? You can do exactly the same thing for your book (product, services, courses, speeches, etc.). Cool? Cool.

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