9/11/2001; The Big Wedding
I continue with 4 items of news about 9/11/2001 here; see earlier post URL below:
9.11.2001 8:37 AM
Sgt. Jeremy W. Powell of North American Aerospace Defense Command's (NORAD); Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, N.Y asks:
"Is this real-world or exercise?”
Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Powell. [Source: Scott A. Gwilt/ Rome Sentinel]
The FAA’s Boston Center calls NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, NY, to alert it to the suspected hijacking of Flight 11. According to the 9/11 Commission, this is “the first notification received by the military—at any level—that American 11 had been hijacked.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 20; 9/11 COMMISSION, 8/26/2004, PP. 13 pdf file]
The call is made by Joseph Cooper, an air traffic controller at the Boston Center, and answered by Jeremy Powell, a technical sergeant on the NEADS operations floor. [VANITY FAIR, 8/1/2006; SPENCER, 2008, PP. 25]
Beginning the call, Cooper says: “Hi. Boston Center TMU [traffic management unit], we have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.”
?Powell replies, “Is this real-world or exercise?”
Cooper answers, “No, this is not an exercise, not a test.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 20]
Shortly into the call, Powell passes the phone on to Lieutenant Colonel Dawne Deskins (see (8:38 a.m.) September 11, 2001). Deskins identifies herself to Cooper, and he tells her, “We have a hijacked aircraft and I need you to get some sort of fighters out here to help us out.”
Maybe this strange question has something to do with the 5 military exercises running on 9/11/2001 ?
IMHO, NORAD?should?have?been ready 24/7 to intercept a?hijacker?airliner... So WHY ask if this was a real world event?
In contrast to the 9/11 Commission Report -?Michael Ruppert?has characterized Vigilant Guardian as?"a hijacking drill, not a cold war exercise". He cites direct quotes from participants which indicate?"that the drill involved hijacked airliners rather than Russian Bombers". General Arnold, Tech. Sgt. W. Powel and Lt. Col. Dwane Deskins have stated that when they first were informed about hijacked airliners they thought it was?"part of the exercise".[1]
This is also corroborated by tape recordings from the control room of NORAD's Northeast headquarters.?"When they told me there was a hijack, my first reaction was 'Somebody started the exercise early,'"?Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Nasypany told Vanity Fair author Michael Bronner[2]?. Bronner further writes:
"The day's exercise was designed to run a range of scenarios, including a "traditional" simulated hijack in which politically motivated perpetrators commandeer an aircraft, land on a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum."
The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover-up?Paperback – October 30, 2005
by?Sander Hicks?(Author)
9/11 Flights 93 .and. 77 - No Rain vs. No Remains?
Rainfall Totals for Pittsburgh, PA for August and September, 2001 appear below;
I claim that Flight 93 did NOT crash in one piece near Pittsburgh, PA on 9/11!
My Reasoning follows:
Not only did Flight 93 itself “disappear”, so did its approximately 10,000 gallon jet fuel load “evaporate” = without igniting ! (?)
An area at least 300 feet around the crash site should have been burning, and should have looked charred - even weeks later.
Since Western PA usually has little rain in late summer, a jet fuel fire should have erupted, and likely should have caused a much wider area wild fire.
No such fire or burnt areas were observed.
I suggest, as VP Dick Cheney said, Flight 93 was shot down, and broke up long before it could hit the ground.
This would explain both the lack of debris, and the lack of a forest fire on the ground.
Precipitation for September 2001
In September the average monthly rainfall in Pittsburgh, PA is 1.03 inches with rain usually falling on 8 days. In September 2001 there was a total of 0.00 inches of rain, that fell on 0 days.
Precipitation for August 2001
In August the average monthly rainfall in Pittsburgh, PA is 1.48 inches with rain usually falling on 8 days. In August 2001 there was a total of 0.00 inches of rain, that fell on 0 days.
Flight 77:
My above observation also leads me to conclude that A/A Flight 77 did NOT hit the Pentagon !
Although the side of the building supposedly hit by Flight 77 was reinforced, the roof of the 77 Foot tall Pentagon is still slate shingles over plywood.
While it DID rain in Washington, DC in the weeks before 9/11, the roof should have shed all water - and dried out completely – until it was hit by debris and by 10,000 gallons of jet fuel…
As with Flight 93, an area of roof 100 – 300 feet in size should have been on fire, and be charred even days - or weeks later.
How can anyone explain the disappearance of, not only Flight 77 parts (like the big Rolls Royce titanium engines), but the "evaporation" without fire of its 10,000 + jet fuel load?
Al Ourush al-Kabir?(The Big Wedding)
Note: Please do not worry ! It will become obvious to you that this movie will never be made, so I make no claim of authorship.
I propose it for two reasons:
1)?????to show you a good, original movie idea
2)?????to show you that everything you have been told is a lie.
Preface:?I once heard a scriptwriter speak. He wrote “Lethal Weapon 2” or something like it. He gave advice to people who wanted to create a successful script: imagine that the hero of the story faces the worst nightmare imaginable.
OK, please grade me on this:
Story: John O’Neil is the real life version of “24” ‘s Jack Bauer. As head of the FBI’s Counter Terrorism Unit, he is sent in to investigate any act of terrorism against the USA.
In 1998, he was sent to Africa after terrorists blew up two USA Embassies. In 2000, he was sent to the Middle East when terrorists blew a big hole in a US Navy Ship.
John became convinced that terrorists planned an attack even larger than the ones he had investigated. Suspiciously, however, all his work was sabotaged – from the INSIDE ! (?)
Upset at how his own Government was acting, he gave up his career at the FBI.
Unable to find work, a friend got him a job – as head of security for the entire World Trade Center Complex. His new office was on the 34th floor of the North Tower.
Everyone’s first day at work is a Monday, but, for some strange reason, John O’Neil’s first official day on the job was a Tuesday…
Tuesday September 11, 2001 !!!
He was last seen reentering WTC 1 to assist with the building’s evacuation.
OK, I think I did very well ! John O’Neil’s worst nightmare came true !
But, wait ! I have zero imagination, so how could I come up with this exciting story ?
Because it is TRUE !!!
Post Script: If you still think this movie might be made, remember the title I used ?
Al Ourush (The Big Wedding) is the actual code name for the New World Order caused, false flag operation that you call “9/11” .
Please remember this letter when you see a movie based on a 50-year-old cartoon about chipmunks, or a movie based on?a 40 year old TV show about inept covert agents .
???????????It IS possible to do better - IF you have the courage to act:
??????????N.W.O. vs. You !
?“You see, it’s objective is not to control movements ‘left’ or ‘right’; it is to make you not act at all.
And as long as you don't act, and they move in any direction, however slowly, then they will win.
?But as long as there’s one heart beating inside of this Country that says: ‘No, I won’t !’; ‘No, you?can’t do this to me !’, then they can’t win !”??
????????From?“Thou Shall Not Kill” CFTR Radio Toronto (1975)
Still Skeptical ???
Look at the back of any one Dollar bill. Here is what you will find:
??????Annuit Coeptis – He (God ) Has Honored Our Exploits
?????????????-- @?--????????-?All Seeing Eye of Osiris?.and.?(Illuminati) Rays of Light
???????……………… - Egyptian Pyramid
Novus Ordo Seclorum – A New World Order Of Man
Okay, you still think OBL did it ?
First, the FBI MWL does not say he did it, because the FBI says they have no evidence that he did.
Second, he was in the Hospital having his serious kidney condition treated from Sept. 10 to 12th, so he has an air tight alibi.
Third, the CIA “OBL Task force” disbanded 3 years ago. Since he was never captured, this must mean that he died of his condition long ago.
NSA Analysts Tried to Issue an Alert Before 9/11 and It Was Stopped "For Some Reason" (2018)
In late 1999, al-Qaeda associate Walid bin Attash ("Khallad") contacted Mihdhar, telling him to meet him in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Hazmi and Abu Bara al Yemeni would also be in attendance. The NSA intercepted a telephone call mentioning the meeting, Mihdhar, and the name "Nawaf" (Hazmi). While the agency feared "Something nefarious might be afoot", it took no further action.
The CIA had already been alerted by Saudi intelligence about the status of Mihdhar and Hazmi as al-Qaeda members, and a CIA team broke into Mihdhar's Dubai hotel room and discovered that Mihdhar had a U.S. visa. While Alec Station alerted intelligence agencies worldwide about this fact, it did not share this information with the FBI. The Malaysian Special Branch observed the January 5, 2000, meeting of the two al-Qaeda members and informed the CIA that Mihdhar, Hazmi, and Khallad were flying to Bangkok, but the CIA never notified other agencies of this, nor did it ask the State Department to put Mihdhar on its watchlist. An FBI liaison to Alec Station asked permission to inform the FBI of the meeting but was told: "This is not a matter for the FBI."