by Ken Simmons?

Until my wife and I finished reading The Harbinger II, by Jonathan Cahn, I was shocked to learn, and completely unaware that a group of Christians gathered at the Statue of Liberty on Sept. 11, 1999, exactly two years to the day before the attacks on 9/11. They gathered to pray for America, and to signal a warning. ?Standing on the platform of Lady Liberty they sounded the alarm by blowing the trumpet of the shofar, warning of a calamity that was to take place in America on some unknown future date. Without knowing it, that calamity would take place exactly two years into the future on Sept. 11, 2001.

They blew the shofar, and a photograph of that event showed that the tip of the shofar was aimed at the exact point of impact of the the North Tower of the World Trade Center where American Airlines Flight 11 would impact the tower. Obviously they had no foreknowledge of the attack, nor that it would be airliners flying into the Twin Towers, but they were praying to the God who did know exactly what would happen two years into the future. That photograph can be found on an unnumbered page, two pages after the last page (Page 283) in The Harbinger II. This photograph is proof of that prophetic event that took place leading up to the 9/11 attack, and it underscores the five other events surrounding that day as evidenced below, all of which are warnings, or harbingers, of pending calamities because America has turned its back on God and decided it could handle things without Him. Evidence of the nation’s backsliding is chronicled throughout both of Jonathan Cahn’s books, The Harbinger, and The Harbinger II.

The list of harbingers continue:

Few people knew that it was on 9/11, 1609 that Henry Hudson, captain of the Dutch ship Half Moon, was on the river later named after him, when the ship landed on what later became lower Manhattan, which was in essence the beginning of the great city of New York. Nor do they know that it was the restored Half Moon ship that was seen trying to reach safety by sailing on the same river on 9/11, 2001 shortly after the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.?

It was also on 9/11, 1941 that President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a speech that was later known as America’s undeclared entrance into World War II.?

And it was on 9/11, 1941 that the laying of the foundation of the Pentagon, the symbol of America’s military power, took place. That event began the development of the greatest military power the world has ever known.?

And yes, exactly 60 years to the date after the Pentagon’s foundation was laid the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists. By now let's hope you don't believe in coincidences. Let’s recap:?

On 9/11, 1609 Half Moon ship lands on Manhattan Island

On 9/11, 1941 FDR’s speech, America's undeclared entry into WWII

On 9/11, 1941 the foundation of the Pentagon was laid

On 9/11, 1999 a group of Christians gathered at the Statue of Liberty to pray for America, and sound a warning

On 9/11, 2001 60 years later to the day the Pentagon was attacked

On 9/11, 2001 The World Trade Center was attacked

On 9/11, 2001 the restored Half Moon ship sails the Hudson again?

In the book The Harbinger II, by Jonathan Cahn, the author eerily points out the great historical significance of the date Sept. 11, because it is a date in which America received a warning, a harbinger, that unless this great nation returns to its foundation as “One nation, under God,” September 11, 2001 may only be the first of other calamities to come. It is this writer’s opinion that both The Harbinger, and The Harbinger II, should be read by every American, and particularly those in authority in Washington, D.C. We have strayed, and allowed ourselves to become a backslidden nation, a nation that once knew God and followed His ways. The failure to return to the faith may result in consequences of which may be too terrible to contemplate.?

Historically, America has been blessed more than any nation on earth. Because of our true allegiance to “In God We Trust” that same God had blessed our land.?The fruit of our land and the abundance of our crops soon made us “the breadbasket to the world,” enabling us to feed more people than any other nation in history. In addition, America had created more wealth, providing our citizens with a higher standard of living than any people on earth, and we had become a generous people, a creditor nation, lending to those in need.

Our military had also become the world’s superpower, defeating both Germany, Italy, and Japan in World War II, and instead of conquering the nations we defeated we magnanimously helped them rebuild and become thriving, prosperous democracies.

Unfortunately these blessings could not continue forever, because in the early 1960’s we banned prayer and the Bible from our schools, and within a single decade we made abortion legal in all fifty states. We had begun to chip away at our Judeo/Christian values even further when the black-robed gods we call the Supreme Court sanctified same sex marriage, unceremoniously declaring that what God had sanctified as holy matrimony, was now out of touch with the new morality.?

We experienced a major defeat in Vietnam, followed up more recently by a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, and in our retreat we left thousands behind, many of whom are Americans, to suffer at the hands of terrorists.?We continue to learn of stories of the beheading of those we abandoned. The disgrace and humiliation was rubbed in our figurative noses when the Taliban paraded through the streets of Kabul some of the $84 billion of our finest high-tech military equipment that we had left behind.???

To add to our humiliation, the country that had been the most generous creditor nation in history had now become a debtor nation, living on borrowed money to the tune of over *$29 trillion dollars, the bulk of which is owed to a nation that plans to supplant us as the world’s leader and military superpower.

Those in authority have determined they are the sole arbiters of truth, and they have the power to rewrite what defines truth and morality. What once was true and moral has now been declared lies, and what once was lies is now truth and is even celebrated as the new morality.?The values we once held dear are no longer a constant but now change along with the shifting of the political winds.

Many have declared God persona non grata, and He is unwelcome in the halls of Congress, the courts, in our schools, and in the public square.?

Marxism, the Godless, atheistic philosophy of the radical “woke” left has been embraced by much of the leadership in Washington, and is now the driving force of many of the socialist policies slithering their way through the political landscape of America. It is matters such as these that stand as a warning that this nation needs to change course before the clock runs out.?

Ancient Israel faced similar warnings, warnings that were soon ignored. As a nation whose God was the one and only true God, but had turned away from Him, they experienced His hand of protection being lifted and they were carried away into captivity for the sins of killing untold numbers of their children on the altar of fire to satisfy pagan gods. But America has doubled down on those sins, sacrificing more than 63 million of its unborn on the altar of "An Inconvenient Pregnancy." Unless America heeds the warnings of 9/11 we can be certain that more calamities will be in our future, because as a nation that has largely turned its back on God, we face the real possibility that the Almighty will lift His hand of protection from us. He did so on 9/11 and it is within his purview to do it again if He so chooses. We have the power to stay His hand, but America does not appear to be in the mood to change its ways. The following passage from scriptures bears repeating:?

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”?(2 Chronicles 7:14).

Hopefully we do not reach the point at which it is too late and there is no turning back.


*For those of us for whom math is not our strong suit, $1 trillion is 1 thousand billion, and $29 trillion is 29 thousand billion -- dollars! This is enough to fill the Los Angeles Coliseum 100 times with $100 bills. To visualize what just $20 trillion looks like copy and paste the following link to your browser:



Todd Hancock

Hancock Glen Inc

1 年

Good overview. Jonathan Cahn is an interesting fellow. Pray for America and that God will bless use again.

Johan Feldtmann

The sky is the limit!

2 年

I just finished the Harbinger 2 and "fact checked" the events and dates and content of speeches and I was left unsettled by the truth. I'm not American but I am saddened by what is in store for America and the world. I had a heated debate with someone fervently supporting Russia and China 's role in the planned destruction of the USA as a super power. America was once the light in this world and my prayer is that it will return to God for all our sakes. On a personal level these 2 books were also a wake up call for me.

Many wonder -- since America is not mentioned in the Bible, is God even aware, or involved in any way, in the affairs of the U.S.? The above article will answer that question once and for all. Please read. It will convince you that America has been warned by God Himself.

The above fulfilled prophecies on 9/11 are mind-blowing, staggering, and foreboding. Every American should be made aware of them because failing to head the warnings may lead to calamities too terrible to contemplate. America desperately needs to turn back to God.



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