911: God's Last Offer To The Church

911: God's Last Offer To The Church

(The following is the introduction for a warning God gave me to tell the church that we are in our last opportunity to separate from all that He is going to judge, lest we be judged. It is like the military warning people that they are going to shell their area so that they have time to get out beforehand. If they listen it will most likely save their lives. If they disregard the warning in foolishness it could very well be to their demise. So it is with us as well (Rev. 18:4-5). The book is called 911; God's Last Offer To The Church. The link to it is https://capstone-ministries.com/911-gods-last-offer-to-the-church/. Church, if you have drifted from the Lord in your heart, draw near to the Lord while you still can.)

This is an emergency!

For the last couple of years I have been writing a set of books regarding the rising of the sons of God at the end of the age. This book is a part of that revelation the Lord has disclosed to me that I felt had to get into the hands, and hearts, of His people as soon as possible.

The “911” message contained with these pages is a very strong, urgent warning to the church to prepare their hearts by faith so as not to be engulfed by the judgments about to occur. The majority of the church in America is presently unprepared for what is about to hit our soil. As such, they will not be protected.

This message is directly from the heart of Almighty God. It is His last offer to the church to fully immerse ourselves in Jesus Christ lest we be given over, like Judas, to the devil. The hand of the betrayer that is sitting at the table of the Lord will soon be exposed and cast out into the outer darkness of sheer terror. On the contrary, His faithful servants will be granted great authority, finishing His work on earth. It is at this point our enemy, the devil, will finally be crushed under our feet.

I need to warn you before you read this that it comes as a sharp, two-edged sword. To read it is to then become accountable to its content. To have the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you and then not respond favorably in obedience is to encounter a greater judgment (2 Peter 2:20-22). Please proceed with prayer and great caution.

This writing is a litmus test for the condition of your heart. If you don’t receive this part of the revelation, you won’t receive the rest. It should stir us to walk in a greater degree of purity and holiness before the Lord. Knowing the truth concerning the end, which quickly approaches, is essential in the process of preparation before entering the King of kings holy Presence. The wedding garments must be put on before we are allowed to enter in. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. (Rev. 22:14) Without the “911” cleansing revealed within this message we will not be transformed at the end. It’s now or never. There will not be another chance.

You must see the urgency of the moment we are now in so as to be made ready for the Lord’s return. That is the point of this midnight cry. The Lord would once again remind us, Yes, I am coming quickly! (Rev. 22:20) May the Holy Spirit wake us up before it’s too late and we miss this last window of opportunity. Jesus is coming, get ready!

Speaking the truth in Christ,

Tim Bauer


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