My DevOps journey with #trainwithshubham has been incredible #90daysofdevopschallenge finally completed Linux required for DevOps here's a summary of what I have learnt till now
- Linux Architecture I gained a basic knowledge about Linux's architecture which contains Applications>Shell>Kernel>Hardware.
- Basic Linux Commands: I also got familiar with the linux shell some basic commands like cp=copy, mv = move, rm = remove/delete, sudo = superuser permissions ,pwd = present working directory etc.
- Directory Hierarchy and Navigation : I got to know about hierarchy pattern of Linux Directory (Linux starts with "/") and navigation through various directory of Linux using cd , cd .. , cd /,
- User Management: Also Learned about creating a user using "useradd -m" command to create the home directory for newly created user
- File Permissions: Got to know about file permission and how to change them for different entities ( i.e. users, groups, others ) using numeric method chmod 777 <filename> (w=4,r=2,x=1).
- Secure Remote Access: SCP and SSH , SSH is used for used for secure remote access to systems over a potentially unsecured network.
- SCP Secure Copy Protocol, and it's a secure method for transferring files between a local and a remote host or between two remote hosts over a network
- Shell Scripting with Bash: I used bash for scripting which is one of the most popular language of scripting. It ends with .sh extension and .
- In a script file first type "!#" schebang tells the system to use the a interpreter "!#/bin/bash" this tells the interpreter that a shell script should be executed using the Bash shell interpreter
- Automation with Shell Scripts: I already knew python so for me scripting looked a simple I used for loops to to add multiple users . Also created a automated script to update system , to install tools according to input received by the users.