$900 Legacy Builders Program Review & Best Bonus 2024 (no scam or legit angle)

$900 Legacy Builders Program Review & Best Bonus 2024 (no scam or legit angle)

So, you're interested in the Legacy Builders Program but not sure if it's legit or a scam?

We've all been doing the same exact search, and let me tell you, after doing digital marketing for over 10 years, the Legacy Builders Program is one of the best, if not the best, ways to make money online.

However, despite this, it's still not for everyone.

  • It's NOT for scammers - if you want to cheat or mislead people, this is not for you (I'll get to this in a minute).
  • It's NOT for Tire Kickers - if you're not going to use the Legacy Builders Program to make money and just complain afterward, why buy it?
  • LBP is not an ATM - the program doesn't just spit out cash on demand; you do have to connect everything and work on it (even if my bonus will get you free leads).

On the other hand, if you're:

  • Go-Getter - someone that will take what you learn in the Legacy Builders blueprint and build a profitable business step-by-step.
  • Committed - You will work at least 2 hours per day on your business to get to $10k per month as quickly as possible.
  • Ready to take yourself to another level - the Michele Oniel blueprint works; there is no doubt about it, but you need to be the one that takes the next step and trusts in yourself and the process.

Here's how to get started

Let's Talk Legacy Builders Program Bonus 2024 - Best One? Top Course and Strategy

For a limited time only, I’m offering 3 exclusive bonuses to give you an additional income stream and empower you to make sales, which is invaluable.

  • Done-for-You Blog with 30 Days of Posting (Valued at $1,000) - This is huge as you'll get a full separate website to funnel your leads on autopilot. I'm using several of these blogs to get my leads. (This is only for Legacy Builders bonus as it takes time and money to make this).
  • 7 Days of Free Ad Posting in 100+ Locations (Valued at $300) - This is the free ads methods you learn on steroids. For 7 days, I'll post your ad in 100+ locations.
  • My Help and Priority Email Support (Priceless) - Let me help you with everything related to your new business with the Legacy Builders Program!

Want my Bonuses? Make sure to use THIS LINK

What the Legacy Builder Programme is NOT (a scam)

Let's just get something out of the way. There are a lot of not-so-well-researched Legacy Builders Program reviews calling it a scam, pyramid scheme, some kind of gifting scheme (which I had to look up), or an MLM.

Now, if any of them actually took 10 minutes, or even 5, to check out the sales page, they would know the Legacy Builders Program is an MRR (Master Resell Rights) product, which is a 100% legal and legit business model.

In fact, there are several types of these reselling rights:

  • Private Label Rights (PLR): When you gain the right to edit, rebrand and sell a product as your own and at a price you want.
  • Resell Rights (RR): When you can resell the product without changing the price or modifying the content, but your buyers can't resell it.
  • Master Resell Rights (MRR): When you can resell the product, again can't change the price or modify it, but you sell (pass) the resell rights with every sale.

All of these have their uses, like PLR, which are mostly templates, image packs, low-content books, or basic courses people give out as bonuses.

On the other hand, many companies that do white-label services or products would offer resell rights. It's a great way to be a middleman for what people need.

Finally, MRR is my favorite one because not only do you get 100% profit for every sale you make, but also pass the right to your customers to resell it. It's a business in a box that you can make unique as you like but still be part of a bigger brand.

Now, that's why I give master resell rights my recommendation, but let's compare MRR insight to things like:

  • Pyramid scheme - Earns money by recruiting others, not selling real products. Unlike MRR, it's recruitment-based, not product-based.
  • Ponzi scheme - Pays old investors with money from new ones, no real profit. Unlike MRR, it’s an investment scam without products.
  • Gifting scheme - Participants "gift" money expecting larger gifts later. Unlike MRR, it relies on promises, not product sales.
  • Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) - While many MLMs are legit, they prioritize recruiting new members over selling a product. This is because MLM often relies on recruiting new members to increase earnings, while MRR generates revenue through the sale of a product.

I'll be honest, I never liked MLM, mainly because of what I wrote above, but also because of the recurring payments structure and always MORE to buy. With Digital Growth, there are only 4 products, and yes, you have to buy it to have the right to resell it, but you only buy it once, no recurring payments, and the highest one is $900, not like $10,000 like some MLMs.

Now, I know plenty of Digital Growth Community members are ex-MLMers, and I have friends that are current multi-level marketers. I'm just telling you my experience, and while many compare MRR to MLM, most negative Legacy Builders reviews come from people that promote MLM in the same review they bash Legacy.

Let that sink in for a minute...

But anyway, let's get back to the good stuff! For example, here's Melissa's testimonial, an ex-MLMer, who tripled her annual income in 4 months with Legacy Builders! Watch it on YouTube or below.

How about affiliate marketing? Can you achieve something similar?

Click Here to Get Started

Master Resell Rights vs Affiliate Marketing??

So, the cool part is that you actually learn affiliate marketing inside Digital Master, which is part of Legacy Builders. And later, you learn how to create and market your own product if you like.

No, the Legacy Builder Programme is not only about reselling the products; it's a complete online business where you can learn digital marketing skills, but about that later.

So, this might not be a popular take, but I actually think Master Resell Rights is better than affiliate marketing and often more legit. Now, this is coming from someone that has been doing affiliate marketing for 10+ years. And, hey, it's great; I still do it, but I actually prefer MRR now, and here's why.

The Earning Potential for Aspiring Entrepreneur?

Let's be honest, earning 100% of the sale vs. 40% is a big difference, and I don't only mean the amount you get but the price.

For example, each time someone buys the Legacy Builders Program from you, you get $900 dollars. Plain and simple.

However, if you wanted to get a $900 commission on an affiliate product that pays 40%, it would have to be a sale priced at $2,250.

Now, you might say, well, some affiliate offers pay 75% commissions, and yes, but these are usually $47 products with a bunch of upsells. Most high-ticket offers, $500+, these days offer 40%; some do 50%, but I don't know any high ticket that offers more than 50%.

The big point is that those $2,250 products, in my experience, are not better than the Legacy Builders Program; I would argue they are worse in most cases. However, they need to rank up the price so everyone gets paid. That often means 3 to 4 people:

  • The product creator or vendor
  • The affiliate manager
  • The affiliate
  • And in some cases, second-tier affiliates

So, this one is taken by MRR, no doubt.

Which brings me to the second part: getting sales.

Which is Easier To Sell and Get Paid - Making Money Online

Honestly, Master Resell Rights and Affiliate Marketing are both simple enough to sell. Both often have a big and recognizable brand behind them, which is a big plus compared to when you create your own products without having a brand.

Don't get me wrong; owning your own product is great, but if you don't have branding, social proof, and an army of happy users like Legacy Builder has, good luck selling your product.

However, there is a huge difference in how sales are counted in MRR and affiliate marketing. If you get a sale in MRR, you know about it right away. It hits your payment processor immediately, and you're good to go. If it's PayPal, you can spend it right away, or if it's a different one, you wait 2-3 days to get it in your bank.

With affiliate marketing, the vendor gets the money, and you only get credit for the sale if it was your cookie. If the person buying clears their cookies, uses a different browser, or has someone else's cookies (sometimes referred to as the first cookie), you're not getting the sale.

In fact, if you read the fine print, you'll find out that vendors reserve the right to take away your sale for any reason they see fit, and you agree to that by being an affiliate. So, not only will you not get sales because of cookies, but they can also be taken away from you even after you get them. Honestly, I know for a fact that I've lost probably a million in commissions because of those two things above.

Now, to be fair, there are vendors and platforms within affiliate marketing that don't do it, or at least not as much. Clickbank is one of the better ones out there for affiliates. And they actually pay quickly, because for many, you'll need to wait a month or even 3 months to get paid versus 2 to 3 days in MRR.

So, does MRR have any cons in this? Honestly, the only thing is that the payment processor takes a little longer to set up, and I know some people have had problems with different payment processors.

I fortunately never had problems with any except PayPal, but I don't use it as much anymore. But even if you do, there are hundreds of processors these days; it's not like 10 years ago when you almost had to pick between 2.

So, MRR is another win.

Which One is More Legit for like-minded individuals?

This is an interesting question because according to some, neither is good. Which is ridiculous because it's like saying all running shoes are a scam after buying from a guy selling them out of his van. That was oddly specific; no judgment.

I, on the other hand, say it depends on the program rather than the method of sale. I bet there are MRR programs out there that are not that good. The same goes for affiliate marketing programs.

Honestly, the big difference here is that people who promote MRR had to buy it beforehand. Now, of course, there are those that will still manipulate and lie just to sell the most.

However, with affiliate marketing, you don't even have to buy the product to promote it. So, I would bet there are many more fake promotions of affiliate marketing products.

So, I guess it's another MRR win, but it depends on the product.

Finally let's Talk Legacy Builders Programme Membership

Finally, let's talk about the community a bit, as this is a huge difference between affiliate marketing and Master Resell Rights programs. So, if you're into communities, groups, and just sharing your wins and talking to like-minded individuals, then forget about affiliate marketing.

Don't get me wrong, the products you promote sometimes do have communities, and there are plenty of affiliate marketing communities out there, but nothing will come close to being part of a group like with Master Resell Rights programs. Because in those groups, everyone is doing their own thing, and to tell you the truth, I liked that for the most part.

However, now that I've been part of a group that is designed to help, and the Legacy Builders Program offers that, it's great for long-term success.

I think it's clear which one is the winner and the best MRR is this - Join Now

Is Master Resell Rights The Actionable Winner?

Now, for me right now, and probably in 2025, Master Resell Rights just makes more sense than affiliate marketing. Especially how, in recent years, affiliates are getting attacked from all sides, and changes in privacy policies, cookies, and so on do not favor affiliates. Understandably, they are created to help out the customer, but in the end, they might help the vendors more.

Does that mean this can't change in the future? No, it totally can, and I'll be the first one to say it. The truth is I wouldn't probably choose affiliate marketing just 2 years ago over Master Resell Rights, but I didn't even know about it yet. 10 years ago? Oh, affiliate all the way, but things change online, and you need to adapt.

That doesn't mean I'll stop doing affiliate marketing altogether; no, I just shift more of my time and work into MRR. In fact, building out an email list using what Digital Growth courses teach allows me to promote affiliate offers to my list and even sell my own services.

Which takes me to my next point.

All You Do is sell Legacy Builders Program with Resale Rights?

This is another sticky point for some people: how Master Resell Rights programs are just about reselling the same thing over and over again. Well, here’s the thing.

  • You don't have to resell it if you don't want to, but it's the fastest and easiest way to make money with it and spread it to more people.
  • You can learn marketing from it and earn while building another business, kind of fund your passion project with it.
  • You can do what I do: mix it with affiliate marketing, services, or even product creation.
  • Finally, you can just focus on it and help people out.

I mean, you can do any of those, or a combo; one doesn’t cancel the other. I think this idea that you need to only focus on reselling it comes once again from MLM, as if you don’t sell there, you lose money. With something like Legacy, or Digital Master, or even Daily Passive Blueprint, you only pay for it once, and just 1 resale gets you your money back.

So even if you just sell it once, you get the whole training, community, and ongoing training for free, so there is no pressure to constantly resell it.

Click Here to Join and Sell it like you like it

It's all about the Right Mindset and not Scam or Legit

How many people are just resellers? I don't know; it might seem like a lot, but if you're looking for info about the product, you'll find mostly those people because you can't see what other members are doing. That's why I want to offer another perspective, and while I don't see a problem with just reselling the program—I mean, it's a great program, but that's just my opinion—it will not get diluted or oversaturated as you might think.

You see, I've been a part of a few affiliate launches that do over $100 million in sales in 2 weeks or less. Now, to put this in perspective, my average order so far for Digital Growth products has been $500 (due to most people going for the $900 Legacy Builder Program, and some for Digital Mastery, Daily Blueprint, and Launch Pad). That means to get $100 million in sales, 200,000 people would need to buy one of the products based on my stats.

In the Digital Growth Community, there are around 45k people. That means it's roughly sold 4 times fewer copies than the $100 million launch in just two weeks.

And my point? My point is that 4 times more affiliate products were sold in those launches by one vendor and thousands of affiliates than all Digital Growth products ever. Which one would be more oversaturated?

And it's not like all of those thousands of affiliates got sales; usually only 200 or so do, and 90% of sales are generated by the top 5 or top 10 affiliates. With Digital Growth products, this is different, as the number of sales is spread more evenly, in my opinion.

This Legacy Builder Programme Review Sucks!

Doesn't it? It seems like I didn’t even talk about the product at all, right? Well, the truth is that I already reviewed it a few times, but like with everything on the internet, it gets pushed down once a few days, weeks, or dare I say months old. So yes, I didn't talk about all the 4 income streams and programs you can get, and I highly recommend this comprehensive marketing training:

  • Launch Pad
  • The Passive Daily Pay Blueprint
  • Digital Mastery
  • Legacy Builders Program

I also get into the aspects of the Legacy Builders, social media marketing, mastering digital marketing training, sales funnels, pros and cons, as well as my mentorship and how to get that passive income flowing, and even more about Master Resell Rights.

But here I got good news for you! You can go to my blog at https://annasviews.com/legacy-builders-program-review-michele-oneil/ to learn all about it! Or connect with me outside of LinkedIn.

Or Do You Want To Get Started Right Now with Legacy Builders Program? Go to https://www.profitwithanna.com/ready


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