90 ways to improve your emotional wellbeing.....

90 ways to improve your emotional wellbeing.....

It was World Mental Health Day on Saturday - I thought I'd share 90 ways to improve your emotional health.

  1. Relax.
  2. Trust the moment - stop projecting forward what may happen focus on what is happening.
  3. Reserve judgement - if something is happening - you may not know if this is good or bad yet - you may not know for a while.
  4. It's ok to be wrong.
  5. It's ok to fail.
  6. Bury the hatchet.
  7. Let go of yesterday.
  8. Let go of what just happened.
  9. Forgive - people do bad things because they are afraid / insecure / ignorant - we all do bad things from time to time.
  10. Be tolerant - if they get your meal wrong, be tolerant, it's ok.
  11. Take time out for yourself.
  12. Rest.
  13. Stop giving yourself a hard time.
  14. Stop comparing.
  15. You're good enough as you are.
  16. Be careful about the expectations you hold of others - disappointment is always preceded by an unmet expectation.
  17. Listen more, talk less.
  18. Live and let live.
  19. One day at a time.
  20. Let bygones by bygones.
  21. Let go wanting to ‘get even’.
  22. Practice discernment rather than judgmentalism.
  23. Stop needing to be morally superior.
  24. Stop seeking everyone's approval and validation.
  25. Stop trying to control everyone.
  26. Let people be as they are.
  27. Be modest with opinions.
  28. Stop needing to be right.
  29. Stop needing to be perfect.
  30. Be gracious and considerate.
  31. It is okay to be wrong or undecided.
  32. It isn’t necessary to have an opinion on everything.
  33. Laugh or find something to laugh at.
  34. Be grateful for your personal assets.
  35. Let others win.
  36. The innocent child is present in everyone.
  37. Be responsible - for choices, behaviours, feelings, and life circumstances.
  38. Seek to understand others rather than change them.
  39. Focus on being of service.
  40. It’s okay to have faults.
  41. It's ok not to be ok.
  42. Avoid struggle for the moral high ground.
  43. Concede to ‘what is’ versus ‘what ought to be’.
  44. Notice what you are clinging to (things, people, relationships, jobs, safety).
  45. Stop pretending to be someone you think everyone else wants you to be.
  46. Stop telling other people what they should think/do.
  47. Stop being superior.
  48. If you feel inferior - get some support.
  49. Talk to someone who can accept you as you are.
  50. Differentiate wants from needs (we actually need very little!).
  51. Walk / run / excercise.
  52. Be responsible with your eating habits.
  53. Stop trying to save the world.
  54. Stop trying to save other people.
  55. Let people fail where needed.
  56. Listen to your children - stop what you are doing and listen to them.
  57. Be kind to yourself.
  58. Forgive yourself.
  59. Mind your own business.
  60. Talk it over with a friend.
  61. Stop lying.
  62. Read the big book of AA.
  63. Accept ‘worst-case scenario’.
  64. Things could be worse.
  65. Money does not = happiness.
  66. Drink less tea and coffee.
  67. Get plenty of sleep.
  68. Can't sleep? Let go of what you cannot control.
  69. You cannot control life, the world, other people - surrender control - stop trying - accept it.
  70. Quit when you are ahead.
  71. Stop trying to win at others expense.
  72. Give.
  73. Be careful what you watch / listen to.
  74. Find something bigger than yourself to believe in.
  75. Ask for help.
  76. Read "The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse" by Charlie Macksey.
  77. Be careful what you wish for - ie stop living in the future, accept today first.
  78. If you can't be happy with what you have will you be happy with what you want?
  79. You are good enough.
  80. You can't give what you don't have - you come first.
  81. It's ok for others to disagree with you.
  82. It's ok for others to have a different opinion.
  83. Others get to have different values than you.
  84. Others get to make their own choices, however much we may dislike it or it inconveniences us.
  85. We are not entitled to anything.
  86. Other people will do things we don't like - we will do things others don't like.
  87. Not everyone will like us and that's ok.
  88. We won't like everyone and that's ok.
  89. If someone is rude to you - it isn't about you.
  90. Surrender, completely, to this very moment, accept it, without reservation.


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