90% Profesional Bisnis Tidak Tahu Cara Melindungi Perusahaan dari Deepfake
Sepanjang tahun 2022 - 2023, jumlah video deepfake di internet meningkat 900%. Mungkin diantaranya pernah menjadi alat untuk mengakses data pribadi perusahaan.
Sektor fintech dipandang sangat rentan terhadap penipuan deepfake. Sebanyak 72% profesional di sektor ini meyakini penipuan deepfake menyebabkan kerugian finansial dan pelanggaran data. Sebanyak 58% profesional di sektor e-commerce dan 52% profesional di sektor telco juga memiliki kekhawatiran yang sama terhadap kejahatan deepfake.?
Sayangnya, data VIDA menunjukkan 90% profesional bisnis tidak tahu cara melindungi perusahaan mereka dari deepfake.?
Throughout 2022 - 2023, the number of deepfake videos on the internet increased by 900%. Some of them may have been used to access company personal data.
The fintech sector is considered highly vulnerable to deepfake fraud. As many as 72% of professionals in this sector believe deepfake fraud causes financial losses and data breaches. Similarly, 58% of professionals in the e-commerce sector and 52% in the telco sector share concerns about deepfake-related crimes.
Unfortunately, data from VIDA shows that 90% of business professionals do not know how to protect their companies from deepfakes.
More about deepfake and its threat: https://vida.id/whitepaper