90 Days of Intention?
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
One of my cherished "unofficial" Mentors, Linda Kavelin-Popov once told me that she strategically and prayerfully plans 90 days at a time. With the increasing pace of change and challenge, 90 days seems ever more wise.
Most recently, I have posted on Optimism and Love, Gratitude and Intent and The Epic Engage Forward and Creatitude... and Content Meant. I humbly encourage these reads. That said, and with all of the above in mind and heart... and after 4 years of meandering through my own sense of meaning and Next Chapter, I have sharpened the blades on my Vision for the next 90 days...
... and forward. The Vision above is about path forward... for The Epic Engage Forward and my Life. The 90-Day Plans will be born of same... identifying that around which I will choose to healthily focus my attention. This being April 2, 90 days will take me to July 1, the first day of my retirement from full time teaching and launching fully into this Vision. The intention is to have built the consistent Character and habits and actions for same by Canada Day. The intention is to focus and fully move the needle on establishing these elements as consistent action and habit and execution by July 1.
This is my overarching Vision for my Next Chapter of the Book of my Life, and it helps me forge my next 90 Day Plan. It will be a process of consistent action... as Randy Pennington and Joe Calloway might put it... over 90 day periods of what I call brickwork. It will be a journey of Discipline as Dan Thurmon might put it. Excellence, however we define it, is built thusly.
And, such 90-Day visions and plans always allow for Flexibility and spontaneity. All great plans should remain open to inspiration and opportunity, after all ... and my natural Spirit is built thusly.
My Thought to Us All
Yes, my thought to us all is that it is worth the time, energy and focus (over a dedicated Day or Weekend even) to imagine our best lives ... emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.... so that we can L.O.V.E. our best sense of Purpose and do the steady brickwork to get there, 1 day and 90 days at a time. I suggest that we explore Purpose... and L.O.V.E. as action.
This Boy intends nothing less. Insh'allah. In the meantime, I do again humbly recommend dives into Optimism and Love, Gratitude and Intent and The Epic Engage Forward and Creatitude... and Content Meant. May we each name, claim and aim for the lives we most soulfully desire. That is our best practice of personal leadership. I intend such and same.
Justice, Peace and Unity...
Some Other Thoughts, Ideas and Books to Ponder...