90% of "cyber" breaches are "human error"
"It is no surprise that hackers use humans to their advantage… human error is the cause of 90% of cyber data breaches."
For those who focus on the Human Side, the recent revelation in the article below is not surprising.
"Cyber" is just the pathway to the treasure that con men target.
The 1967 movie, The Flim Flam Man, is a case study in how confidence men take advantage of innocent and naive humans--manipulating their natural motivations to gain access to their victims' treasure.
Nothing's changed since then. Humans are humans. Con-men are con-men. Online? Cyber? Email? Voice? No difference--just more efficient ways for the con-men to access their marks.
Your people are your greatest asset. Enable them. Empower them. Teach them. Train them. Listen to them. Help them.
A Corporate Counterintelligence system begins with, and protects, your humans. Are you covered on the Human Side?
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That's a pretty alarming statistic! But it's not too surprising when you consider how many people have access to sensitive company data – from the IT staff who maintain the network, to the sales team who access customer information, to the employees who simply browse the web on their lunch break.