9 Ways You can Set Emotional Boundaries For Yourself
?FREE Article Creatively Written by Preethi Fernando
Watch one minute video: https://youtu.be/iCXO9pn-cnc
Here are 9 ways to set emotional boundaries for yourself, without your trying to change the other person:
1 I say no when I am asked to participate in something that I don’t want to
2 If I need help, I ask someone
3 If I need some alone time, I let others know, without feeling guilty
4 when I am physically tired, I rest
5 When I start getting angry, I ask myself if I need a timeout
If someone is yelling at me, I let them know it makes me feel uncomfortable
7 I accept a sincere compliment with a thank you
8 If I feel the other person has heard something or I am being misunderstood, I bring it up and discuss it openly
9 I don’t make everyone else’s problem, to become my problem
Join me for a FREE 1-hour workshop, in Lakewood, Colorado, on September 24th, 2:00pm-3:00pm, at the Holiday Inn, on “Emotional Intelligence Tools for Toxic Work Environments.†Approved for continuing education. Here is the link to sign up: https://emotionalintelligenceworkshop.aidaform.com/with-preethi