9 ways to set and derail your goals

9 ways to set and derail your goals

Did you know that 92% of people abandon or don’t succeed at their goals because they don't understand how their personality type directly impacts their desire and ability to set and achieve their goals?

There are 9 personality types and each sets goals differently, sets out to achieve them differently, AND subconsciously sabotages themselves.

Here are a few examples of how 3 of the 9 different personality types set goals and subconsciously sabotage them:

  • One personality type is motivated by pursuing excellence and creating the right goals that improve themselves, their team, their company and the world. These people think it’s NOT ok to make mistakes, have harsh inner critics, and are so rigid they struggle to be flexible if plans change or see the positive in the work they or others do.
  • Another personality type is motivated by relationships and sets goals that serve the needs of those in their life. These people aren’t comfortable having their own needs, and will be so focused on others that they’ll forget to prioritize their own tasks, struggle to say “no” even if they’re overwhelmed - out of fear of disappointing others or not being liked.
  • A third personality type is stimulated by setting goals and has lots of ideas, yet dislikes being tied down to them. These people start a lot of things, yet finish few and gets frustrated when they don’t see results quickly or get bored. (This is MY personality, an Enneagram 7, yet through work I am disciplined, follow-through and remain stimulated.)

These are just 3 examples of the 9 ways people set and unfortunately derail their goals, because they're working against their personality.

When you know YOUR personality, type you can work WITH it instead of against it:

  • Set better goals
  • Stay on-track
  • Stay motivated and fulfilled
  • More easily delegate and achieve tasks
  • Achieve your goals and deepest desires
  • Can course-correct if you’re struggling along the way

This is where the Enneagram personality assessment becomes your super-power.

The Enneagram personality assessment tells us the 9 ways people interpret the world, are motivated to live, act, think, and manage their emotions. Those who understand their unique personality through the Enneagram understand how it drives their desires and focus - and their ability to achieve (or derail) their biggest and smallest dreams.

It's also the ONLY personality assessment that has built-in strategies for each personality type to help people grow and destress. In otherworld's, when you're coached effectively with the Enneagram, it shows you the "box" you've lived in AND how to get out.

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When it comes to setting and achieving your goals, knowing your Enneagram type provides you with unparalleled self-awareness into:

  • Your deepest motivator and how it impacts the goals you set, including what you focus on (that others don’t)
  • How your unique personality completes tasks, and motivates
  • Where setting and achieving goals will be challenging for you, including beliefs that derail you?
  • How to set better goals
  • How to stay on track
  • How to stay motivated and fulfilled
  • How to course correct if your off track?

Let’s make you unstoppable setting and achieving your goals

Not just at the beginning of the year, but always.

Two ways to become unstoppable:

Option 1: Dive in

I put together a Masterclass to guide those who are interested in understanding:

  • Your deepest motivator and how it impacts the goals you set, including what you focus on (that others don’t)
  • How your unique personality completes tasks, and motivates
  • Where setting and achieving goals will be challenging for you, including beliefs that derail you?
  • How to set better goals
  • How to stay on track
  • How to stay motivated and fulfilled
  • How to course correct if your off track?

When you’ve watched this Masterclass, you’ll know the "box" you'll lived in so you come OFF living on autopilot, be awake to WHY you do what you do, and know HOW TO COURSE CORRECT to get "out of the box" and when you’re off track. ?

This year, every day, and every interaction will become easier as you set out to be your best, happiest, most fulfilled self. THIS is what my clients and I experience by knowing our Enneagram types, and consciously setting goals and effortlessly achieving them.

Click here to access the Masterclass.

Option 2: Dip your toe in

If you’re not ready to hit a home run at your first at bat, you can still get to first base (I grew up playing softball) using the below diagram to learn what motivates you at your core, if you know your Enneagram type.

If you need to learn your Enneagram type, this assessment is the most accurate and in-depth assessment. I use it with individuals and teams at Google Ventures, Duckhorn Vineyards, Qualtrics, and Drift (to name a few), and numerous individuals in and out of the workforce.

A lot of people use this more cost-effective assessment, but it’s miss-typed 85% of the people I know and work with, including me, and left them thinking they have more than one type (that’s a topic to clarify on another day).

Whatever you do…

Stay awake to your goals, communicate them, and work with others to achieve them.

Avoid fighting your habitual patterns that have been with you for decades.

Learn to work WITH them and course-correct when they challenge, frustrate, and hinder you from being your best and having the life and relationships you truly desire.

With greater self-awareness and consciousness, comes frustration because you are aware of what you’re doing and why, but haven’t quite perfected new habits. That’s part of the learning process (and the well-know Conscious Competence Ladder), and it’s ok!

You are ok. And you will be even more ok as you continue to do the work to understand yourself and the strategies unique to YOU and your core motivator that makes life and your pursuits things better and easier.

So, what are you waiting for to get started?

In love and light,

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