9 Ways to Post a Job on LinkedIn
This article was written by Iwo Paliszewski

9 Ways to Post a Job on LinkedIn

LinkedIn needs no introduction. Nevertheless, it’s good and interesting to be aware of the most up-to-date LinkedIn statistics. This year (2022) the platform turns 19 years old and has over 875 million members.

One of the reasons LinkedIn users are active on this professional network is for job opportunities and recruitment purposes. Every week 52 million people are searching for jobs on LinkedIn, over 100 applications are submitted every second and 8 candidates hired every minute. No wonder this platform may be a first choice for recruiters looking to post a job and attract new talent.

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What gets your attention whenever you’re on LinkedIn and scrolling through a site? Is it a paragraph of text, static images, or a magnet-like video? There are different types of content recruiters and companies should be posting and sharing on LinkedIn to maximize their recruitment efforts, and jobs are one of them.

I got you covered, so let me list all the options you have for this.

1.?Post a job for free on LinkedIn (or use paid job slots)

Go to https://www.dhirubhai.net/talent/post-a-job or click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and create online job post on LinkedIn to advertise open positions at your company. You can post one job for free at a time on LinkedIn. Free job posts become less visible in search results over time and to give newer job posts the opportunity to be seen by job seekers, while paid or promoted job posts reach more relevant candidates, appear in search results and are searchable on LinkedIn.

There is also a paid option, where a company can buy a number of LinkedIn job slots to use for posting jobs. It kind of works like a parking space - when you post a job, that job will be live for 30 days (or until you close it) or you can take the job down to make the job slot available for your other open roles. One job slot can be used to post several jobs, you just have to rotate them effectively. If you have a budget I consider it a good investment.

2. Create a text, single image, or carousel post

With tools like Canva it was never easier (it's even easier to just ask your marketing) to create an appealing and creative job post. These can be candidate’s introduction to your company (here we go again with employer branding), so you want to be sure they both differentiate you and set the right expectations. When you want to earn that hard-stop from people scrolling their feeds, punchy statements are a great way to create an attention-grabbing moment that converts.

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Email marketing service MailChimp isn’t afraid to have a little fun with its ads

3. Video post

Video content is increasingly popular and doesn’t have to go viral to drive results. There’s clearly a demand for video content, which means you should be using it in your recruitment marketing strategy. Video is considered highly in LinkedIn’s algorithm. It doesn't have to be super professional. Try to keep it short. Interesting idea came from Marvin Li, an engineering manager at LinkedIn who decided to wear a GoPro camera on his head throughout an entire day of work. Here’s what it looked like:

4. Company posts

Your job can be also published via company page to their interested and engaged followers. Furthermore, company updates can be sponsored (you will need a budget) and targeted to specific audience which allows you to get the message in front of relevant candidates who are not currently following your company.

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/EYCareersIndia/photos/a.156402914500838/2110762472398196/

5. Group post

LinkedIn Groups provide a place for professionals in the same industry or with similar interests to share their insights and experiences, ask for guidance, and build valuable connections. You can find groups to join by searching at the top of your homepage or viewing the groups you've already joined.

Depending upon the sector and industry, LinkedIn groups may offer highly focused channels centered around particular expertise, experience, interest, or profession. Start a post directly on a group page or post as usual and then share that job post with any number of groups that you belong to.

Pro tip: If you are a member of the group, you can send direct messages to the other members (allows you to contact 2nd and 3rd degree connections) for free and without many limitations.

6. Employee Push

On average, a combined employee networks on LinkedIn are 10 times larger than a company's follower numbers. It is very likely that your employee's networks contain a valuable collection of relevant talent. Make it a part of your recruitment marketing strategy to encourage and reward your employees to share jobs and other relevant content by making it easy for them and providing all the details, graphics and clear instructions on how and when to do it.

7. Post a link

Let he who is without a sin of posting just a link to the job, cast the first stone. We all did it at least once. Sometimes our laziness makes us add something like “I’m hiring” and that’s it. It’s ugly and won’t create any real engagement.?Not recommended, although you may still get lucky and get some applicants.

8. Article

Articles are different from updates because they are longer, in-depth pieces where you can write about challenges you've faced, opportunities you've seized, or important trends in your industry. Why not write and sell career opportunities that you or your company are offering? Additionally, LinkedIn articles rank on Google and all of your connections should be notified too. So, if yours does well enough, it will reach those who are searching. Turn your article into a job ad magnet for candidates. Get creative too, and enrich your content with proper graphics and insights from company life.

9. InMail or message

Not really job posting but worth adding that another option to distribute your job effectively through the network would be by sending it directly to targeted candidates via free LinkedIn message or paid InMails (if you have them). Remember to ask for recommendations.

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That's it folks. 9 ways to post your job advertisement on LinkedIn. Some of them you are probably already doing. I think the most effective approach for this would be to do all of the above (besides number 7 of course) and spread in time for better results.

What is your secret to effective job posting on LinkedIn?



