9 Ultimate Machine Learning Applications you should know

9 Ultimate Machine Learning Applications you should know

1. Machine Learning Applications

In this article, we will explore Machine Learning Applications. These Applications shows the area or scope of Machine Learning.

So, let’s start Machine learning Applications.

2. Machine Learning Applications

As we move forward into the digital age, One of the modern innovations we’ve seen is the creation of Machine Learning. This incredible form of artificial intelligence is already being used in various industries and professions. For Example, Image and Speech Recognition, Medical Diagnosis, Prediction, Classification, Learning Associations, Statistical Arbitrage, Extraction, Regression. Today we’re looking at all these Machine Learning Applications in today’s modern world.

These are the real world Machine Learning Applications, let’s see them one by one-

2.1. Image Recognition

It is one of the most common machine learning applications. There are many situations where you can classify the object as a digital image. For digital images, the measurements describe the outputs of each pixel in the image.

In the case of a black and white image, the intensity of each pixel serves as one measurement. So if a black and white image has N*N pixels, the total number of pixels and hence measurement is N2.

In the coloured image, each pixel considered as providing 3 measurements of the intensities of 3 main colour components ie RGB. So N*N coloured image there are 3 N2 measurements.

  • For face detection – The categories might be face versus no face present. There might be a separate category for each person in a database of several individuals.
  • For character recognition – We can segment a piece of writing into smaller images, each containing a single character. The categories might consist of the 26 letters of the English alphabet, the 10 digits, and some special characters.

2.2. Speech Recognition

Speech recognition (SR) is the translation of spoken words into text. It is also known as “automatic speech recognition” (ASR), “computer speech recognition”, or “speech to text” (STT).

In speech recognition, a software application recognizes spoken words. The measurements in this Machine Learning application might be a set of numbers that represent the speech signal. We can segment the signal into portions that contain distinct words or phonemes. In each segment, we can represent the speech signal by the intensities or energy in different time-frequency bands.

Although the details of signal representation are outside the scope of this program, we can represent the signal by a set of real values.

Do you know about Artificial Neural Network Model 

Speech recognition, Machine Learning applications include voice user interfaces. Voice user interfaces are such as voice dialing, call routing, domotic appliance control. It can also use as simple data entry, preparation of structured documents, speech-to-text processing, and plane.

2.3. Medical Diagnosis

ML provides methods, techniques, and tools that can help in solving diagnostic and prognostic problems in a variety of medical domains. It is being used for the analysis of the importance of clinical parameters and of their combinations for prognosis, e.g. prediction of disease progression, for the extraction of medical knowledge for outcomes research, for therapy planning and support, and for overall patient management. ML is also being used for data analysis, such as detection of regularities in the data by appropriately dealing with imperfect data, interpretation of continuous data used in the Intensive Care Unit, and for intelligent alarming resulting in effective and efficient monitoring.

It is argued that the successful implementation of ML methods can help the integration of computer-based systems in the healthcare environment providing opportunities to facilitate and enhance the work of medical experts and ultimately to improve the efficiency and quality of medical care.

In medical diagnosis, the main interest is in establishing the existence of a disease followed by its accurate identification. There is a separate category for each disease under consideration and one category for cases where no disease is present. Here, machine learning improves the accuracy of medical diagnosis by analyzing data of patients.

The measurements in this Machine Learning applications are typically the results of certain medical tests (example blood pressure, temperature and various blood tests) or medical diagnostics (such as medical images), presence/absence/intensity of various symptoms and basic physical information about the patient(age, sex, weight etc). On the basis of the results of these measurements, the doctors narrow down on the disease inflicting the patient.

2.4. Statistical Arbitrage

In finance, statistical arbitrage refers to automated trading strategies that are typical of a short-term and involve a large number of securities. In such strategies, the user tries to implement a trading algorithm for a set of securities on the basis of quantities such as historical correlations and general economic variables. These measurements can be cast as a classification or estimation problem. The basic assumption is that prices will move towards a historical average.

We apply machine learning methods to obtain an index arbitrage strategy. In particular, we employ linear regression and support vector regression (SVR) onto the prices of an exchange-traded fund and a stream of stocks. By using principal component analysis (PCA) in reducing the dimension of feature space, we observe the benefit and note the issues in the application of SVR. To generate trading signals, we model the residuals from the previous regression as a mean reverting process.

In the case of classification, the categories might be sold, buy or do nothing for each security. I the case of estimation one might try to predict the expected return of each security over a future time horizon. In this case, one typically needs to use the estimates of the expected return to make a trading decision(buy, sell, etc.)

2.5. Learning Associations

Learning association is the process of developing insights into various associations between products. A good example is how seemingly unrelated products may reveal an association to one another. When analyzed in relation to buying behaviors of customers.

Let’s discuss Deep learning and Neural Networks in Machine Learning

One application of machine learning- Often studying the association between the products people buy, which is also known as basket analysis. If a buyer buys ‘X’, would he or she force to buy ‘Y’ because of a relationship that can identify between them? This leads to the relationship that exists between fish and chips etc. when new products launch in the market a Knowing these relationships it develops a new relationship. Knowing these relationships could help in suggesting the associated product to the customer. For a higher likelihood of the customer buying it, It can also help in bundling products for a better package.

This learning of associations between products by a machine is learning associations. Once we found an association by examining a large amount of sales data, Big Data analysts. It can develop a rule to derive a probability test in learning a conditional probability.

Read complete article - Machine Learning Application


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