What are the differences between SSD & HDD?

To set up a RAID 0 SSD, configure the RAID 0 settings on a motherboard that supports Raid 0, and connect to the port two identical SSDs. Refer to the detailed settings of the motherboard manual for more information. In theory, a RAID 0 SSD configuration will increase performance to about twice that of a single SSD.

How should I back up important data for secure storage?

Solid State Drives (SSD) are storage devices like hard drives, but with much better performance, especially as regards random access speeds. But because of their higher price, they are often more suitable to be used as the drive from which the operating system is run. The slower speeds of HDDs mean they are likely to be used as data backup media, and for data archives.

How should I back up important data for secure storage?

Of the current varieties of storage media, including CDROM, hard drive, & SSD, none can offer secure permanent storage of data. Therefore, it is recommended that critical data be backed up on several different devices to spread the risk.

How to properly use the SSD to minimize loss?

Currently, the average SSD has a built-in erase function and error correction mechanism to increase the lifespan. But in general, SSD lifespan is determined by the frequency of usage and the working environment. The greater the number of data writes to the drive, and the higher the ambient temperature, the lower the useful lifespan of the SSD.

What should I do if the data transfer speed seems abnormally slow?

SSDs employ built-in wear-leveling technology to guarantee the life span of the drive. Slow data transmission may be due to ongoing internal restructuring from this function. But this situation is uncommon, especially if it is recurring. If that is the case, contact the customer service staff directly for assistance.

When I connect the SSD, the system asks me if I want to format it!

For the first installation, the system requirement for formatting is normal. But if you receive this message when the SSD is already formatted and contains data, then you should confirm that the SSD is properly installed. If this does not clarify the problem, contact the customer service staff directly for analysis and repair.

Why can’t my computer detect the SSD?

There are two general possibilities:?Lack of power: Some models of SSD can be attached to the USB power cable connector into the USB slot on the back of the computer. Make sure your computer supplies enough power for the SSD to run. Do not use a USB Hub, extension cord, or other USB devices together, because doing so may cause power to undersupply, resulting in the SSD being unable to be read. Volume has not been added: In Windows XP/Vista/7 operating systems, go to Disk Management to confirm that the SSD is installed.

Why is my actual capacity of the product less than what is marked on the packaging?

Differences in size shown are mainly due to differences in computer operating systems, the calculation method for an SSD capacity, and the Controller IC's operations result in different ways. Generally, SSD manufacturers usually calculate capacity based on the decimal system, and computer systems are actually binary. SSD manufacturer: 1KB = 1000 Bytes, 1MB = 1000KB, 1GB = 1000MB, 1TB = 1000GB Operating system: 1KB = 1024 Bytes, 1MB = 1024KB, 1GB = 1024MB, 1TB = 1024GB So for example, a hard disk marked as 500GB capacity is 500GB = 500 x 1,000MB x 1,000KB x 1,000Bytes = 500,000,000,000 Bytes, but in binary the capacity is calculated as 500,000,000,000 Bytes / 1024KB / 1024MB / 1024GB, approximately 465GB. Fastest method of calculation: the SSD capacity x 0.93 = the approximate actual SSD capacity

Why can't I transfer 4GB or larger files to storage media?

The Windows FAT32 file system supports a maximum single file of 4GB only. To resolve this, storage media can be formatted to NTFS.

Yilia SHEN

Shenzhen Meetion Tech Co., LTD

3 年




