9 Things You May Not Know About Oman

9 Things You May Not Know About Oman

1)  Friendly People - If there are friendlier people than Omanis on this planet, we are yet to meet them. Often willing to put everything on hold at the drop of a hat to help anyone in need – even total strangers – Omanis are always on hand with a warm, welcoming smile.

2) Safe and Sound - Whether you’re walking the streets in the evening or have forgotten to lock your front door when quickly nipping out to the shops, you can rest assured that you will be free from harm in the Sultanate of Oman. It’s hard to put it into words, but there is just an indescribable feeling of safety here.

3) Oldest independent state in the Arab world - Oman has been ruled by the Omani Al Said Family since 1744. It was one of the most isolated and traditional countries in the Arab World, until the 1970s when Sultan Qaboos became the ruler. It is also estimated that humans have been living in Oman for at least 106,000 years, making it one of the oldest human-inhabited countries on Earth.

4) Life's a Beach - They say life is better at the beach and Oman has no shortage of coastline. When it all gets too much and you need to feel the sand between your toes and hear the soothing sound of waves, the beach is never more than 30 minutes away, no matter where you live in the capital.

5) Strong Currency - The current strength of the Omani rial, coupled with tax-free earnings, make the Sultanate an attractive working prospect for anyone. Those sending money home often get an agreeable rate against their own currency and are able to support families through their hard work.

6) Oman has the longest serving ruler in the Middle East - Sultan Qaboos Bin Said took office as the official ruler of Oman on the 23rd of July in 1970. Since then, the country has witnessed dramatic improvements in educational, economic, financial and political standards. The country is developing rapidly and people are becoming happier. As Oman is a Sultanate, Sultan Qaboos is to name his successor whom will take control after his death.

7) Heritage and Culture - Oman has a unique culture that can be traced back hundreds of years and all you need to do is stop by at a fort or castle for a fascinating glimpse into the past. Nizwa and Bahla Forts make for a good starting point, but you can just as easily pull up at any restored building you see on your travels.

8) Multiculturalism - With expats making up more than 40 per cent of the population, according to latest figures, the country is a cultural melting pot with people from all over the world lending their expertise to the development of the nation. Within months of arriving in Oman you are likely to have picked up friends from every continent – perhaps not Antarctica, though.

9) Oman is a terrorism free country - According to the Global Terrorism Index, Oman is one of the safest and most secure countries in the Arab World. In the latest report of 2016- 2017, Oman came near last on the list, with a score of 0, which means it is one of the countries with the least terrorism in the world.


