9 Steps to Develop Greater Self-Awareness – Steps 2 & 3
Step 2: Review Your Past and Current Relationships (Personal & Professional)
- Why did your past relationships end? Review your personal and professional relationships that didn’t work out. Why did they fail?
- Now, consider your current relationships. What challenges do they face?
- What do you bring to each relationship, positive and negative?
- What qualities do you like in a friend or coworker?
- What qualities do you avoid? Why?
While you are working on Step 2, please make sure to continue to do your journaling from Step 1.
Click Here For Step 1
Step 3: What are Your Biggest Regrets?
- When do you think you made poor decisions in your lifetime?
- Why did you choose what you chose?
- Why do you think these are regrets in the first place?
- What changes would you make if you could go back in time and/or what would you do differently if you had the opportunity again?
Below are are some common regrets people have. Which ones resonate with you?
- Playing small and worrying to much about what others think about you
- Lacking self-confidence and/or leaving your comfort zone
- Putting work first over your relationships
- Being a better parent
- Taking more vacations and spending more quality time with loved ones
- Holding a grudge and not forgiving a friend of family member
- Choosing a career that a loved one pushed you towards instead of choosing the career you always dreamed of
- Not taking care of your health
Don’t forget to come back and post what you have learned in the comment section below.