????9 September 2024 : Sustainability Report and Emerging Systemic Litigation
Marie-Anne Frison-Roche (????????)
Directrice chez Journal of Regulation & Compliance | Droit économique, Droit processuel, Droit de la régulation et de la compliance
In the cycle of conference-debates on the Emerging Systemic Litigation - ESL (Contentieux Systémique émergent - CSE), organised by the Cour d'appel de Paris (Paris Court of Appeal), the Cour de cassation (French Court of cassation), the Cour d'appel de Versailles (78) (Versailles Court of Appeal), the Ecole nationale de la Magistrature - ENM (French National School for the Judiciary) and the EFB (Paris Bar School),
will be held on September 9, 2024, from 11am to 12.30pm, the fourth conference of the cycle, which will focus on the theme : (The Sustainability Report: Emerging Systemic Obligation?and Litigation (Le rapport de durabilité : obligation et Contentieux Systémiques émergents)
??see the full programme of the entire cycle CSE
??see a presentation of the fourth conference-debate of the cycle ??Le rapport de durabilité : obligation et Contentieux Systémiques émergents (The Sustainability Report: Emerging Systemic Obligation?and Litigation)
To register:
??Registrations and information requests?can be sent to: [email protected]
??For the attorneys, registrations have to be sent to the following address: https://evenium.events/cycle-de-conferences-contentieux-systemique-emergent/
??The?conference-debates are held in French, in person only, in the Cour d’appel de Paris (Paris Court of Appeal).
Presentation of the topic: The Sustainability Report: Emerging Systemic Obligation and Litigation
Sustainability is a new legal concept, the outlines of which can be found in certain sectors and certain branches of Law, from which many obligations arise, and which today has sufficient unity for it to be grasped through the technique and requirement of the "sustainability report", which translates a requirement linked to the systems themselves. The double materiality mechanism illustrates this, in that the firm must state how its activity affects the systems and how the systems affect it.
Even if it is only a question of information, in the first place informing is a form of action, particularly for enterprises exposed to distant relationships of trust, the intermediation of professionals (whose circle is expanding) and the supervision by an authority of the credibility insurance business. Secondly, there is a continuum, with?reporting?and the vigilance obligation being two parts of the same puzzle.?Litigation on credibility (proof), on sustainability information (which refers to systems) and?on vigilance?will adjust, or even focus on the same firms.
In the disputes that the sustainability report may give rise to, this systemic dimension is bound to emerge, since the report was required with a view to increasing the soundness of systems, and the concept of sustainability itself is built on this perspective. What is commonly referred to as "ESG" reflects this perspective, which is both structural and long-term: the information therefore takes on a new meaning, beyond the choices thus more broadly offered to investors, since it is a report, anchored in Company Law which is being impregnated with governance, where internal and external stakeholders are present. The various supervisors, who go beyond supervising individuals to supervise activities, will also have a role to play in this Systemic Litigation.
In order to understand and anticipate this, this conference is based on an analysis of the construction of the sustainability report and an analysis of the role of the supervisory authority, the Haute Autorité de l'Audit - H2A (French High Audit Authority), analyses carried out with a view to the Systemic Litigation that will arise from these new requirements and practices, in correlation with litigation linked to other fields of Systemic Litigation such as vigilance.
??The Event:
Fith conference-debate - Monday 9 September 2024, from 11am to 12.30pm
Paris Court of Appeal, Cassin courtroom
Presentation and moderation by????Marie-Anne Frison-Roche (????????), Professor?of Regulatory & Compliance Law, Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance
???11am-11.10am.???Why the texts and practices on sustainability reporting will give rise to Systemic Litigation (Pourquoi les textes et la pratiques sur le rapport de durabilité vont engendrer un Contentieux Systémique), by????Marie-Anne Frison-Roche (????????), Professor?of Regulatory & Compliance Law, Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance
???11.10am-11.30am.???How to?build a sustainability report? (Comment construire un rapport de durabilité??), by???? Alexis Gazzo ,?Partner, Climate Change & Sustainability leader, 安永 France
???11.30am-11.50am.???The control (Le contr?le), by???? Florence PEYBERNES , President of the H2A - Haute autorité de l'audit (French High Audit Authority)
???11.50am-12.30pm. Debate
Associé chez Cabinet Vivien & Associés
7 个月??